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Rooyce's picture

the thing is that for free to play players getting max armor is VERY HARD compared to paying players, why? coins coins coins! You need coins to combine enchantments, you need coins to do whatever enchantment related stuff. our 10th day reward is 130 coins while a expensive enchantment costs 120 coins. I've spent like 5 days trying to enchant stuff and i havent even got a max legging and boots, all because of the coins required.You either make coins easier to obtain, or change the requirement for enchantment. I'd rather add something called experience like minecraft. It costs at least 500-1000 coins just to make a piece of "actual" god armor, its just one piece, not counting the remaining 3 parts. In total 2000-4000 coins are required. who can afford this

Rooyce's picture

if you dont change this free to play players gonna leave soon.

Rooyce's picture

this is what i got after spending 2 days time of enchanting (this also includes the performance of the grinding glitch. I think i spent like 450 coins in total for enchantments) (as you can see its not even god armor yet, i'd just consider it as a decent armor not god)

Rooyce's picture

the rest of the armor except the chestplate arent even decent. I think it will take 3 days to make my leggings decent. Again it will cost a ridiculous amount of coins

POCAdmin2's picture

We'll add new ways to get free coins in one of the future update.