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DefinitelyNotAmax's picture

Where's the admin is he on holiday just wondering because he hasn't replied to any of my post recently.
P.S Don't attack me now I'm just wondering.

Xx-Zar-xX's picture

Their probably on vacation cus they don’t wanna deal with all the drama going on in poc at the moment

DefinitelyNotAmax's picture

D3m0nicArtz, Probably but DAYUMN so much drama like HOW!? 
Also thank you for replying now I don't feel alone on the forums lol.

.-Saiku-.'s picture

Night's Bane, its because he takes a break on weekends. Probs to relax or work on updates

POCAdmin2's picture

I was on weekends.

DefinitelyNotAmax's picture

POCAdmin2, Oh ok Welcome Back!