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ALITTARY's picture

[ Private Maps Creative Mode]

These are my 2 request in short:
1) Creative mode buckets shouldn't disappear when used, they should be infinite like every other block.

I have found that lava/Water buckets are only (One time usage Items) Meaning they can only be used once and you have to keep grabbing more even though your in creative mode.
I have been working on a castle In my private map and it involves a lava moat, what I've found is I that placing down lava Is incredibly repetitive with me being limited to using a few buckets at a time and then having to click on the block menu and wait for it to load then take more and repeat that over and over again. Liquids used to be much easier to use.
The block menu now takes loading time to use which I find be very strange being as It used to always open instantly.

ALITTARY's picture

I could make a small video showing what I mean if needed.

Archangel Gabriel
Archangel Gabriel's picture

I like how they made buckets disappear when you use them.it makes it harder for destructivr players to dump lava on everything

Judy's picture

Gabriel Grizzly, Why not just add an empty bucket item for the creative inventory so players can quickly scoop up all the lava/water if someone griefs them?

Archangel Gabriel
Archangel Gabriel's picture

Judy,But then they will place even more lava till they givr up.so empty buckets will kinodf help in a way

Judy's picture

Gabriel Grizzly, Or you could just turn building permissions off for other people? I really don't understand why people keep saying that they don't like it when people grief their worlds when they could just set build permissions.

ALITTARY's picture

Gabriel Grizzly wrote: I like how they made buckets disappear when you use them.it makes it harder for destructivr players to dump lava on everything

I can see what you mean but I still really think the bucket shouldn't instantly disappear in Private maps mode as you can just change the setting to (Only I can build).
It only disrupts actual builders more because trolls can just spam with any other block and create a mess just as large.

Archangel Gabriel
Archangel Gabriel's picture

But Judyyyyy,just because there is 20 good buildersĀ  and 1 bad builder,wouldnt it be cruel to punish everyone? By taking their build perms away???

Judy's picture

Gabriel Grizzly, You could just friend the good builders and set your world so that only you and your friends can build? The game already offers adequate ways to stop people from griefing your stuff.

Archangel Gabriel
Archangel Gabriel's picture

Judy,Then some people would think its a scam just to accept then tp kill themĀ 

POCAdmin2's picture

Thanks for your suggestions! We will consider them.