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ƈօʍʍǟռɖʀ7ʏȶ aka...
ƈօʍʍǟռɖʀ7ʏȶ aka Cσɱɱαɳԃɾ's picture

I'm considered leader of Maze since adrian left, as me and him set up a temporary company before he left for a few days. I would like to say Maze clan is back, and I'm leading it, and also being a co leader in W.C.C.S, which xTaleChara, now known as CinderPlayz YT, mentioned so long ago. I would like to ask if Maze can be known as an official clan.

FORD's picture

Lol commdr

FORD's picture

Lol commdr

Pingu's picture

Who are you, are you Percy?

Phøenix's picture

Maze clan was our allies I'm co-lead of DBE my leader told me we were going to Allie with Maze clan and the next day I got a message from maze leader to teleport and he tried to trap me luckily I escaped but if you ever see Adrian tell him next time he wants to trap someone make it someone other than a Fire bird cause I won't be as nice next time no one traps a phoenix without regretting it.

Pingu's picture

I saw faker and Percy and others, they were against maze clan (wccs vs maze) and faker was pro(ish)

ꆜᦔꫀ᧒ꪖ ꪜꪊ乂 ቿꋖቿ 乂...
ꆜᦔꫀ᧒ꪖ ꪜꪊ乂 ቿꋖቿ 乂ϟᏩჩЄϟꆜ's picture

I was there. Lol Pingu that was epic

Pingu's picture

I had to leave

Pingu's picture

Would have been good pvp