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Planet of Cubes updated to v.1.5.1 on Apple!

We are happy to announce that Planet of Cubes updated to v.1.5.1 on Apple! To this version of the game we have added new texture, splash images, new background and more! 

Download v.1.5.1 on Apple by this link

Planet of Cubes updated to v.1.5.1 on Google Play! New cool texture and more!

Dear crafters, check out Planet of Cubes v.1.5.1 on Google Play here

We have added new texture of blocks! We truly hope you will appreciate it!

Planet of Cubes updated to v.1.5 on Apple! Get it now!

Hello everybody! We have updated Planet of Cubes to version 1.5 on Apple! Get new version of the game by this link: 

Planet of Cubes is a MMO online massive multiplayer block-building sandbox game with a large unlimited world shared among huge amount of players worldwide! Great game for kids and adults of all ages and any culture! 

Follow Planet of Cubes on Instagram!

Hello everybody!

We created Planet of Cubes Instagram page for you. There are many awesome and fun photos/videos from the game that we hope will inspire you :)
Don't hesitate! Follow us on Instagram here ==>

Download game:

Planet of Cubes with v.1.5 now available on Google Play!

Good news for all holders of android devices, now you can get a new version of global game - Planet of Cubes - v.1.5! 

Follow this link to download FREE Planet of Cubes v.1.5 on GooglePlay:

Planet of Cubes updated to version 1.4.1 on Amazon!

Yay! Version 1.4.1 out on Amazon! You are welcome to try new features: look on a sunset, days and nights time changes, colorful messages and more on v.1.4.1!!!

Download it from Amazon now: 

Planet of Cubes updated to version 1.4 on Apple!

The first true MMO block building game - Planet of Cubes - updated to version 1.4 on Apple! 

What's New in Version 1.4
- Added support for day time and night time. The night takes approximately 7-10 minutes depending on the user's current map coordinates. 
- Major networking and 3D rendering performance optimization
- User interface enhancements
- Added support for new iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 plus

Download the latest version of the game from Apple by this link: 

FREE Planet of Cubes updated to version 1.4 on Google Play! Try It Now!

Great news for all gamers worldwide!

Popular MMO block building game - Planet of Cubes - updated to version 1.4 on Google Play. Day and night time were added to one global infinite world, from now you can teleport to any player using its name. Just click on the “Player Teleport” button or click on the player’s name in the chat to teleport to him! The game works better and more quickly now! Awesome gameplay and new features! Try it now!

Download FREE Planet of Cubes from Google Play by this link: 
