Anyone offering any good grades for spawn eggs I need to get a stack of some sort I would like either of the following
64-32 cat spawn eggs
64-32 dog spawn eggs
64-32 iron golem spawn eggs
64-32 slime spawn eggs
If anyone has any of these please tell me
I'm willing to pay in diamond blocks possibly 20 diamond blocks for a stack of (any) not only iron golems specifying because of concerned customer ) or 5 enches for a stack of any!
I also have a creeper head and lots of food, I could give 2 stacks of bread for half a stack of spawn eggs or more,
Or 15 golden apples for half a stack. My in game name is Alittary and if we trade You have to go first because I'm not in the mood for getting scammed and I need to be able to tell your giving me the right amount and not just throwing 1 and running, Any one who tries to trade and then decided nvm will have there name put on a ( Possible scammer, Blacklist) Don't be that guy and don't act suspicious. To be honest there should be a list of the worst traders and the best traders so people know who to trust because most people are scammers these days but I do know a few REALLY good traders who stand out from the bunch and actually have good trades. Again please tell me if your willing to trade and what time you will be online and your name.
When you make a deal know your values I will not purposely try and scam someone off of items unlike most trades you can bargin with me try lowering prices if your request are good enough. Doing trade anything you don't know the value of It your unsatisfied with your deal there are takebacks those are sketchy and inconvenient, Know your items when dealing so you can be satisfied with your purchases after the deal. I would be happy to trade as long as everyone agrees on what is being traded no dirty work allowed.
Thank you!
:NEW DEAL I will give 3 poisonous potatoes for 30 diamond blocks! :
Rlly 5 ench for a stack of iron golem eggs?
!Negotiations accepted!
My deals may not like up with yours so don't feel afraid to try and modify them☺