Feature Update
- Add Horses
- Add anvils
- Make andesite,diorite and Granite drop themselves.
- Mobs should not be able to spawn inside spawn.
- Make it so you can re-dye leather armor like we used to.
- Allow repairing elytras.
- Add boats,minecarts,leads for pets and fishing rod.
- Add mesa spawn or mushroom biome.
- Add more texture packs
- Add better view distance settings.
- Make new design for ench possibly a glow
- Make an ignore all friend request button in settings.
- More daily coin bonuses like If you play for 7 days straight you get the usual 300 daily coins but every month you get a special 2,000 coin reward be being super active but still a daily reward of 300. Kinda like a monthly reward.
Bug Fix Update
- Some blocks have the wrong particles when broken
- Minimize lag
- Fix add blocks they crash my game, or make them less common and disable them in creative mode.
- Fix the whole of single player, Chest become non interactable after a while,animals and mobs duplicate,mobs damage is too heavy and when trying to customize the world for single player the options don’t actually do anything so the world is always the same.
- Possibly reset whole game to freshen up the worlds and restart players. The game has gone through a lot of messed up and cheaty times like apple temples and diamond temples. Most of the richest people in this game are only rich because of overpowered exploits like that. Giving people practically infinite diamonds and apples. They have been since deleted but people still have huge stocks and most likely know of other cheaty ways to stock up on resources. We could also use a refreshment.
- Fix tree’s, For some reason they either don’t drop apples anymore at all or have an Insanely extremely low rate now.
- Fix floating items bug, whenever too many items drop at once they stay frozen on the screen and lag the game. I'm guessing it might have something to do with internet also since they dissapear when you leave the game and come back but it didn’t always happen so it has something to do with the crossbow update.
- Fix popping seeds glitch, If you plant lots of seeds or go near someone's farm very randomly a seed or plant may pop out of the ground for no reason.
- Chickens are still gathering up in corners when in farms. I don't know if it may be some sort of follow the alpha chicken leader or mother chicken thing but it's annoying and kills off my chickens.
Convenience Update
- Add more lucky block types like lucky block unlucky block and mystery lucky block all of which should have different luck rates of course. Because the current ones suck and drop most commonly nothing or rotten flesh
- Add slow decomposition of leaves kinda like how slow melts.
- Make sponges actually suck up water instead of being useless yellow blocks.
- Stop the griefing in multiplayer creative mode or any creative mode that involves more than player all people do now is pour water and lava all over everyones build’s stop water and lava from flowing in those modes and make them solid blocks for those certain modes.
Insane Update
These Ideas are the most complicated or hard to implement ones but if you put at least 1 of these in any update like one insane feature per update we will love them. These are eic and big but are extremely worth it for even just adding 1 of them.
- Add the( nether) into atleast single player mode.
- Add enchanting
- Add more achievements… Ok maybe they wouldn’t enjoy this one but I mean maybe just remove the 1000 arrows achievements, increase the amount of coins earned from achievements or replace the prize with lucky blocks and they will like it.
- Add more mobs nether mobs for the nether. You know that pink update game ghost we used to ee a lot well just remove the words update game paint it white make it 5 percent large and BOOM you got a ghast for the nether.
- Add more different spawn zones or replace half the current ones with completely different new worlds.
- Add randomly generated loot chest, They should be rare and spawn mostly in the farthest areas of worlds like the places where 2 worlds meet. Or near trees and structures like the empty chest I always see, Just make them rarer and have loot.
- Add mob spawners I used to see a lot of them in caves they never worked but they looked cool and already spawned like how the should just make it so wherever one of those exist the mob spawn rate triples. it could just be mob spawners spawn any kind of mob and not just one so they are simpler and easier to implement.
- An update actuatic for planet craft? Sea temples,colorful biome based water and fish.
- Better single player creative mode. First of all fix the duplicating mob glitch so we can actually use single player, Second add spawn eggs to it so we can experiment with mobs. Add items to creative mode. It would allow us a better understanding of the game and extra fun when we get bored.
Sorry this was so long. I hope you like and hopefully look at some of these ideas. I got a lot of them from older post talking about what they want in the update so If you see your Ideas up there know that It means I really like it and don’t want it to be left in the dust with old post. Some of the bugs have been here for a long time like the single player modes mob duplication glitches. I don’t know why the mob coding in single player is so different from the multiplayer one but it seems extremely broken. I have found apost 2017 talking about it which tells me its either been overlooked or came back. Please please PLEASE! Admins read this post These Ideas could revive your game. We are only looking for improvement this could be it! Thank you for your time If you have a wonderful Idea and would like it added. Reply in the comment section with your idea. Please do not quote this humungus post because it will take billions of miles of space on the comment section so just reply instead lol. Also If you have noticed the increase in correct grammar that's because I used a laptop and google docs to make this because amazons autocorrect it horrible SOmeone please please message amazon about that XD!I hope some of these ideas make it into either future updates or even small bug fix patches.
Yours Truly
It seems the bullet point's have dissapeared but I hope it is still readable for you guys. If you have any questions about one of the suggestions I can explain the certain one further if you just write which one.
These are some really good suggestions for PoC.
Though as for the Nether Mobs part, Solverlabs actually has models for those mobs (Zombie Pigman, Ghast, Magma Cube, Blaze, and Wither Skeleton) in WoC, though interestingly enough, besides the Zombie Pigman (which was just code ported from PoC) all other Nether Mobs are placeholder hostile mobs with no unique features or mechanics, and no unique drops as they have the enderman's death loot-table (a death loot-table without any mob specific drops, that consists of Glowstone dust, ghast tears, magma cream, blaze rod, and the different raw fish drops).
Some suggestions I'ld also like to include on this post is:
•Remove Spawnzone PvP.
•Restore spawnzone borders to their original size so they actually cover the whole spawntown again, and repair the spawntowns in the main spawnzones that got destroyed from the spawnzone shrinkage.
•Remove the ability to use spawn eggs in spawnzones to reduce mob lag, and spawn killing (though not like that matters anymore since they literally added PvP to spawnzones).
•Add Sprinting, which allows your player to move faster but will also depleat the hunger bar faster, and once you have two hunger bars remaining you can no longer sprint unless you eat something.
•Make all of those naturally spawning chests in dungeons, abandoned mineshafts, strongholds, temples, surface structures, and those random chests that for around the surface of the world have loot-tables and have some of the structure chests have unique loot-tables from other structure chest (example: Abandoned Mineshafts should have different loot-tables than Strongholds, which should have different loot-tables than Dungeons), as even in newly discovered areas all the generated structure chests have no loot, but Solverlabs has proven that they have the ability to add structure chest loot in the form of Spawn Trader Chests, and Apple temples (the One dungeon with actual loot but is still ultimately broken because it's golden apple chances are too high, and the loot regenerates), so it's at least possible for them to add loot-tables to other generated structure chests as well.
•Fix abandoned mineshafts to actually have wooden planks in the bridges, support beams, and intersection rooms of the structure, as well as fixing stronghold libraries to actually have their contents in it (as other than that one type of Stronghold that generates I snow biomes that actually have a functional library room, all other type of Strongholds have library rooms that lack bookshelves, planks, ladders, fences, and chests, and are just large empty rooms with floating cobwebs.
•Stop mob collision coding so they can stop taking suffocation damage by just simply standing next to a fence block, or other types of block walls (with the exception of walls of cactus of course).
•Fix Mob Spawners so they can actually spawn in mobs; Zombies, Skeletons, Spiders, Scorpion (If in desert), and Desert Stray Skeleton (If in desert) for Dungeons, Cave Spiders(Yes, they aren't an existing mob in PoC yet, but this would be a good time to add them) for Abandoned Mineshafts, and Silverfish for Strongholds.
•Add the currently non-Nether WoC exclusive mobs onto PoC; Turkey, Horse, and Pumpkinhead.
BlueTangs Rock3, Agree with the Mob Spawner Suggestion i would love that! Yes they need to add this 3 exclusive WoC Mobs so we have everything from World of Cubes finally! Maybe just do the Pumpkinhead Mob as an Lucky Block drop! And the Horse is the most wished Mob in the History of the Game so it is so needed!
We will discuss these ideas with the developers and bring the best ideas into the game! Have a good weekend! :)
POCAdmin1,Thank you
If there's just one thing is like to get changed its just how add blocks work. There adds either crash my game of play in the background. Things why it's to deal with them in creative mode when building.
Wonderful Suggestions!
I think the Mesa and Mushroom Biome+Spawn Suggestion was mine haha thanks for adding it to the List.They should delete some Spawns and replace it with Spawns about the Mesa and Mushroom Biome!And replace the Biome to Mesa+Mushroom Biome!Hopefully not much Bases get respawned!I love your Idea with the Monthly 2000 Coins Reward hopefully it get added to the Game! And the most other Things i agree too with so hopefully the best Things! Yes the Coin Rewards for Archievements should be 2x better and than is it fine! And the Sponge should really get that improvement! So maybe he can be removed from Lucky Blocks and they add Ocean Monuments so sponges spawn in it+Prismarine Blocks! But one thing i miss in ur Suggestions! The Flowerpot is still useless! We cant put Flowers in it! That should be improved! The Ghast Design is already developed i have maked an Video about it on my Channel! Well i can say so much more about that Ideast the most things need to be in the Game!
Yeah I know about the nether mobs in the old game they were cool. But they would look out of place in this version now that the overall stay has changed to realistic and less puffy. I thought at some point someone said they were going to add magma's to the game but I guess I read that wrong. It would be cool if they just slightly changed the nether mobs a little bit to make them sharper and maybe make the guest 5% bigger and actually fly instead of hover.
I mostly agree on leads minecarts,and fishing rods
Well I'm glad to see that they did add horses, anvils, new ench skins and enchantments to the game. It's amazing coming back to this after seeing It Finally happen.
Yas now we can ride boats
Daddy nuggets, We are already working on boats - they will be added to the game in the next major updates
wait can we?
No boats but I don't think we would really need any.
True, there are no ocean biomes in PoC (the closet we have are the Oasis lakes that generate in some of the desert biome map templates), and the few biomes with rivers end up getting cut off by the edge of the biomes their end, so there's currently few natural places where boats would be worth it.
BlueTangs Rock3,
*Closest, not "closet"
ALITTARY, You are right here, since the game has quite a bit of water - but a spoiler: we are planning to add a huge map with custom buildings, where players will really need a boat to quickly move around the map
Sooo.. Like a new gamemode,like i just claim my own house,on an island,and keep building it better untul soon a mansion? Admins plz give a screenshot
Gabriel Snowflake, Hey screenshots are beyond hints.
I cant wait for Boats and a new Gamemode :) But i hope someday we can get the fishes from an fishrod and not from zombies!
And i hope caves will generate in survival singleplayer again...
Because I can't make post I am posting a really short suggestion here.
I think being able to pick up lucky blocks using silk touch would be cool.
People would be able to collect them and make lucky block events. If not then It would still be cool If the admins had some sort of lucky block event that maybe increased the spawn rate of lucky blocks or one that could make some lucky blocks super lucky while other lucky blocks may be super unlucky and dangerous.
I'm also kinda wondering why I can't make post, I don't remember doing anything while I was gone, but It says I am unable to create post.
Can you please add pistones?