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Saefmh's picture

Why we have allot of mods in the game we can maket in one mod it will be in the serviel mod you can make them to gether like3 mod in one and that will be the privet maps and the chunk mod for more info.....the privet maps in the game will be player chous a place in the map and the can makt as a privt map no one can see them the can but a password too that will be helpfull for the clans too but ones in a wayl it will open a event for clans war it will open all maps for 2 h in mounth  if some one do not want to get in the clans war he can not join becus in the event it will be like clash of clarns the leader only open wars that is for the clans baces and for the player who want to play in privet (the can reive a recust for join from player too and if you want to open a privet map you need to buyt  with  server coins not with a clan coins) that is for the privet maps for the chunk it will be in repuplk in the spawn you can buy a small land it will allow you to build any thiny with out any one destoet you can open shop or a hous allot of stuf to you can make the recust that here you will build a shop you can name the shop to there is the pay when he buy stuf the coins will get derekt to you like the happy farm or a farms game :) .the first thing in my mind how to make the game more fun 

RedTangs Rock3
RedTangs Rock3's picture

im confused

BlueTangs Rock3
BlueTangs Rock3's picture

Private Maps already exist as optional secondary servers, if that's what you're asking for.

RedTangs Rock3
RedTangs Rock3's picture

idk what this guy literally said he should leave the suggestions alone for now 

RedTangs Rock3
RedTangs Rock3's picture

i dont even know what hes saying