I have noticed that when 3-7 different monsters make a sound at once, you basically play on a potato..... One way to solve these lags could be to get all monsters within a certain distance (so where players could hear them) and check the type, so if there's 5 zombies for example, it would play one zombie groan, not 3 or 5 at one time... This would reduce lag as less mp3 files would be played.
Another way that would be easier is just convert the mp3 to wav files as these are lower quality, obviously this would give horrid sound, but it'd work...
Saying all this I think majority of lags happen from too much audio files being played at once, although some may argue all the monsters making sound makes it easier to know where they are coming from.
What if there was a lot of zombies in that area, while you're waiting out the night somewhere you can't see them, but then you underestimate the number of zombies in the area because they only sound like there's one zombie there though?
Probably the extreme amounts of all the mob drop items laying around, because when zombies and skeletons burn in the daylight in MineCraft, they just drop rotten flesh, bones, and arrows(since all of their more rarer drops only drop when something actually physically kills it), and in both MineCraft and PoC, items are counted as entities(just like animals, and monsters)so that causes lag when there's enough items on the ground just like enough mobs in an area causes lag, in PoC however, zombies and skeletons don't just drop their rare drops(like iron ingots, carrots, potatoes, and bows) when dying by the daylight, but they also drop all of those placeholder drops such as nether items/potion ingredients, and raw fish as well, meaning it's not just a few types of items, but lots of different types of items, and since they're different types of drops, they then cause inventory problems, and since most of the placeholder drops aren't meant to be in the inventory at a regular given time other than when brewing, the players usually just throw the different mob drop items back on the floor to try and save inventory space, and since the mob spawning is somewhat broken, making hostile mobs spawn extremely often, and almost anywhere, even in some well-lit rooms, and then people have to kill those hordes of mobs, and then the zombies and skeletons just walk out into the daylight without any procaution, and since it's a Multiplayer server, the mobs aren't just centered around a single player in a singes radius, but instead every player on the server at a given time, which can be hundreds or thousands of players, and then the mobs and their item drops add up to extreme amounts real fast, so that's one of the reasons why the more player populated spawnzones and areas with big amounts of players lag so much.
BlueTangs Rock3, You are partly right, since the game is so low def, the pickups have minimal lags, I have studied it carefully and I am certain it is mobs, maybe it's just a function that's triggered repeatedly on the client for playing the sound, making them lag as it gets stuck, to the developers I recommend debugging by checking returns from functions everytime audio is played, and also maybe try with 10+ monsters all playing audio at once, your phone will become a potato.
The mass amount of players don't matter that much, everything is pixelated, it is basically like running this forum on your phone, if you had tons of flashy images and sound playing, you would get bad lags, so maybe try think carefully of what is being triggered and how you can reduce the amount of thing being triggered, like getting mobs to make a noise if they are a certain distance from player, it's not a massive thing, but the players on lower end phones will benefit. :)
Going to stress this point though, user interfaces cause big lags when opening and closing this is okay, unless it's inventory, my average fps is 60, drops as low as 2 when I open inventory, chests, furnaces etc... Not a massive thing, just really annoying.
The sounds of mobs are kinda creepy like a dying child, old lady being <inappropriateactionactionhere> . I wish they change those weird sounds and lessen their loudness.