Anybody Know a Dragons Empire (DE) run by there leader called thebyebyeman. And someone called Athenos.
Thank you~
Raydermus Tag 786~
Anybody Know a Dragons Empire (DE) run by there leader called thebyebyeman. And someone called Athenos.
Thank you~
Raydermus Tag 786~
EnderDaBestNingen, Dragon Clan?
EnderDaBestNingen, Dragon Empire not Dragon Clan goofy
xUOTUx-SushiRoll-xUOTUx, Never heard of them
Oh well guess there existance isnt on forum. I have Made a number of new friends they have just joined they forum and are requesting Asistance with him. Apparently he is bad... already have had base Cooridnates just making sure he is worth lava bombing
ØRaydermusØ, I still dont understand what you are talking about
EnderDaBestNingen, I think that is The Slint.
Scãrłët, I don't see him alot in spawn that often