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Gabrielle's picture

I don't think a team requires no secrets or even trust but rather a little bit of respect for each other and the ability to focus your team on a common goal, I think if you hide your stuff well you won't have to worry about someone stealing your stuff. don't temp your allies with your wealth if your not going to dedicate to the team. We don't all need to stay in one base, we can each have our own and make a base that is for meeting and storing extra resources. to prevent hoarding people should only donate a certain amount if their resources to their teams community so no specific person takes it all so carelessly. if someone never donates. They should take as little as they can and less often. If someone is relying on their teams work and not contributing they may need to be remained that the clan and remove them And relocate. we should not make major projects unless they are hard to destroy or hard to find. incase of betrayal meeting points should be made just to function and not to be decorative. Or e z to fix and/or clean up. don't help people who don't show dedication or appreciation otherwise you get stolen from and they tell other clans your location for personal gain. Keep your personal storage well hidden and far from sight, don't carry the mentality that your clan members owe you respect ( though it may be true) instead think to yourself - if I want to maintain wealth I must keep my own belongings safe and its my own fualt if I fail. If someone has stolen from you and other clan members support your claim you may be able to banish the offender. or if somehow you can prove it via screen shots, video.

Dante Verry Che...
Dante Verry Cherry Spartacus's picture

Cool goal I wanted to do that but I gave up to hard XD it will take months

Dante Verry Che...
Dante Verry Cherry Spartacus's picture

Try not to mess up on the fortress XD it will take even more time lol

The Lich
The Lich's picture

Teonato, He is in your clan?

Gabrielle's picture

Drakon, no they refer to the fortress which I aspire to build

The Lich
The Lich's picture

Gabrielle, Ah, understood

Last Death
Last Death's picture

Already have like three stacks of obi

Gabrielle's picture

I did actually make an underground base with a garden and storage area encased in obsidian but idk where it is, I left it thinking I didn't care anymore

Gabrielle's picture

Lol I got over a stack of diamond after doing many days of mining than because the game glitches and my toward movement wouldn't work I died from the newbies than spawn camp than the next day I got lucky and got more diamonds so I was all suited up again but I died from more of those rabbit dogs than I got my stuff again so let's see how long I last

Spearize's picture

Gabrielle,Question? What kind of fpps you have?

SSSandyyy's picture

I love this idea!yes