I have been playing this game for just several weeks and I only encountered a few clans in game. I was stupidly looking for Poc Cheats XD Yep I googled that. And I found this website. I have tons of resources I am dying to use but no one wanted to be friends me in spawn lol. Please give me some details on what is going on. I only read some posts here and didnt understand much other than there is a "war" going. Please Gimme details. Help.
Hopefully all the details I gave u in PM were sufficient. If not, just ask me =)
Hey bro, Dominion will take you in with open arms.. Message me before you join any other clan.
He already joined my clan Pit XD get rekt
J-Døg HÜ King of xUOTUx, Mkay. ;)
-GHE-Pit-DM-,soon have more members aye? XD (Says he has members but shows no proof)
J-Døg HÜ King of xUOTUx, I don't need proof. Releasing my members is just another way to get exposed and encounter failure.
Misunderstood,failure bc there's no members to show :/
J-Døg HÜ King of xUOTUx, Mkay.
i have nu mumbers oooo :(((
Don't make assumptions.
Misunderstood, And yes, I have more of the right to make assumptions more then you do. i know more about you then you do of me
Misunderstood,u know nothing about me
U just know my mask
Misunderstood,I'm goin off evidence buddy, not assumption.
BTW, GHE members don't count as UR members.
J-Døg HÜ King of xUOTUx, I'm not counting GHE as my members. I'm counting DM as my memebrs.
Misunderstood, Also, your mask reflects your own personality, even if you are acting as someone you are not...
Misunderstood,poor poor Pit, this boy needs some help. My mask reflects nothing about me.
My mask was made specifically to hide the real me, the me u will never know
J-Døg HÜ King of xUOTUx, i want my palutena waa
Suck ma dick you whore. The real you is probably exago. you act like him so much and i see resemblance. a.k.a a horny slut
sorry pops, case closed.
Misunderstood,wats funny, the real me is the one u should fear and u don't even know why
J-Døg HÜ King of xUOTUx, There is nothing to fear if I do not associate myself with you and if I hide my bases and members well. Think, child
J-Døg HÜ King of xUOTUx, *Looks at this comment. Looks at your profile picture.* Oo, the real you eh?
Misunderstood,ya, the real me. U can hide ur bases all u want, if I really cared I would find them. U can't hide them forever
J-Døg HÜ King of xUOTUx, Correct, I cannot. You just aren't smart enough to find them. *Good luck getting under bedrock, good luck befriending one of my members.
I will admit that my under-bedrock base is very hard ot get in-and-out of, so I barely use it. Even finding one of my base locations will take a lot of effort.. I'd be suprised if you wasted a year of your life walking around and actually found one, to find out it was abandoned.
J-Døg HÜ King of xUOTUx, You know, i'll give you a challenge. I challenge you to make your way into my clan and find my base. gl m8
Misunderstood,I have no use to get into any base or clan of URS, I have my ways
Also, it's pretty easy to get under bedrock, u must not.know the secret
Misunderstood, is that a challenge for everyone ;)
Go in a crack during ore regen and it tps u under
Misunderstood,ig u do know XD
J-Døg HÜ King of xUOTUx, :/
Misunderstood, why u always start bad argument and make evryone hate you
Misunderstood,-_- I dont
aaaaah....that's a lil debatable....
LizaraXD, you activated my trap card
XD lol srry j-dog
LizaraXD,ur a fake friend