Hi guys! You know how things like crops/plants growing,saplings becoming trees,baby animals growing up,furnace smelting,mob spawning,or anything that changes over time,requires a player to be around it at all times to have those changes occur,but you don't play the game often,or you're mining,or your exploring away from your stuff,so nothing grows in your farms,and nothing smelts in your furnaces? The addition of a ScareCrow can fix that!
•The ScareCrow "acts" like a player(the game reads it as another player in an area,but it's just a type of block-entity,so it doesn't wander around like a mob),so if you wander to far away from your crops,or if you're offline for a long time,if you have a scare crow around them,they can always still grow crops,because they consider the ScareCrow as a player.
•the ScareCrow has a view radius(how far it's considered a player) of 64×32×64 blocks past that radius,you need another ScareCrow in that area.
•You can tap the scare crow in sneak mode to open up a ScareCrow interface that has a couple options,those option are radius,customize ScareCrow,and work speed.
•the Radius option if clicked on will show you a purple transparent block grid of how far it's radius is(similar to MineTest/NOT MineCraft,when you punch a protector block to show the radius of blocks that are protected by it).
•the Customize ScareCrow option allows you to change it's gamertag,which would have it's gamertag be "ScareCrow" by default(only visible to players in a 10×10×10 block radius,and not through blocks). This option also customizes the color of the ScareCrow's hat&shirt using a similar type of feature that customizes color of chat font,but with more color options. The ScareCrow's hat will be black by default,and the shirt will be brown by default.
•the Work Speed option is how fast the speed of crop growth,animal growth,and furnace smelting time is in the individual ScareCrow's radius. There's option 0(normal game speed of everything/default/costs no emeralds),0.5(slightly faster than normal,unlocking it costs 2 emeralds),and 1(1 time faster than normal,and the fastest speed,unlocking it costs 4 emeralds).
•most monsters in a 16×16×16 block radius will be scared of ScareCrows,and they'll "run"(more like walk slightly faster than walk speed) away from it. Some more challenging mobs how ever won't be affected by the ScareCrow's presence.
•a ScareCrow can be crafted by 5 sticks,1 black wool,1 brown wool,5 hay bales,6 sting,and 2 iron,Or you can get them from farmer NPC Villagers for 6-12 emeralds.
Hopefully you guys find my suggestion useful. Bye! :D
Possibly, scarecrows are expensive, and will cost 1-9 diamonds to craft.
that doesn't make that much sense though. It seems like complexity of the number of types of ingredients makes it challenging to craft something just as much as just a few ingredients with a rare ingredients(for example we all know someone who made a full set of diamond armor,but who knows anyone who makes rabbit stew for a living?). Also currently brown wool is almost as rare(brown sheep are around 5 times as common as pink sheep spawns,but are still the second rarest sheep)as pink wool,so I guess until brown dye is added,brown wool is it's rare ingredient. Also it requires 5 hay bales,so that's like 45 wheat/a lot of farming without the help of the first ScareCrow's help. :)
Nice job! In the beginning what you said sounded like something ripped right out of an infomercial xD
BlueTangs Rock3, I have already noticed there is always such creativity from you!
Thanks,I'm glad you see me that way! :D
Please Notice Pocadmin
That is all I hear when you say that
KidIcarus, That wasn't nice...
finally! someone knows the reference! :D
BlueTangs Rock3, xD
BlueTangs Rock3, Oh... You meant to sound like that? I would have said that a long time ago if I didn't think you'd take offense to it xD
BansheePlant,XD Lol
pocadmin,Thanks! :D
Aweeesome idea!!
HAKUIN,Thanks! :D
Maybe it cost one wheat bail some dye wool and maybe a peace or iron
Brian, I'm not sure...