I have a request for an update. It was my birthday a few days ago. I really just want this: Two or more colors of wool. Maybe add dyes to use on wool and leather armor??
A few more SUGGESTIONS: Add a Message Board, craftable and able to have a Chat from all over the whole map, and maybe add Clan/Guild ads. Maybe also add Soul Sand, for farming Nether Warts, and add a system able to alert your system when someone enters an area that you built. Also add something like Endermen, and add BOSS MOBS. Make this game moremoree challenging by making boss mobs, like a Hell Ghoul, Hydra, etc. Add exclusive items used to make weapons more powerful that are dropped from boss mobs. Like enchantments!!! For example, the boss mob Guardian drops a Guardians Emblem, allowing you to fuse with your tools to make a longer durability!! Make this happen please!!
There are more types of wool gray and white are common but there is also pink and brown
Instulius--TDK.FS, I know, I'm talking Bout more
We already have soul sand in survival it naturly generates In abundance at "abandond desert villige" but you can't grow neather wart on it ALSO why would you want more chalange in a game that leaves you at deaths door every time you log out
Another thing (sorry I have memery problems) I have stacks and stacks of neather wart and allot of pufferfish seriously only just now did puffer fish become common and that puffer fish dosent even stack or go into potions anymore why would you want to farm something people throw in peoples faces as an inventory troll it's wors than dirt it's so abundant
Hyeenadon, less nether wart and pufferfish drop amounts. I only want netherwat farms for decoration.
Thank you very much for the suggestion! We will take them all into attention!