Which the potion update and the food update my valubles are pileing up faster and faster. thing is if I want to move it would take 5 trips maybe more. and now that dosent sound like much it's only going to get worse. so pocadmin and team could you please add in a bank inventory that can hold 32 chests of items per person however to prevent this from being super over powerd make 1/32 items drop upon death so that people don't just horde all ther goodies and "YOLO BOMB" the hole server without consequence (yolo bombing is all the meanspirited things you would do if you had no consequences) only facebook users should get it becuase if guests got it they would just loose it all (*cough cough* "the ditch ran away with the shovle" insident of early october)
Very interesting suggestion! We will think about it!