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Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

I want to start a Group and make friends

BlueTangsRock's picture


HoS MinerGIRL C... (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

BlueTangsRock, are you on the defenders team ?


HoS MinerGIRL C... (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

BlueTangsRock, consider joining HoS or defenders they are both great teams and I wish to be Ally's with defenders!

POCAdmin's picture

What's the goal of your group? 

HoS MinerGIRL C... (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

pocadmin, well it's it make a big Castle with a team that has jobs and knows how to live in the system that I make for rules and jobs


POCAdmin's picture

HoS MinerBoy King, can you post the description of jobs and rules of your team?

HoS MinerGIRL C... (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

HoS : there will be a CourtHouse.. or some kind of rule discussions between older members and we can change rules to make them better

POCAdmin's picture

HoS MinerBoy King, i advise you to post screenshots/videos about your team here on forum, but hide coordinates, show/tell coordinates to the players you trust.

HoS MinerGIRL C... (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

pocadmin, exe. Someone wants to join.. you meet them somewhere and team with them for a bit.. than when you trust them you bring them to the groups town. Or they find the groups town and Wana team. They start as a visitor after they understand what it group is and what they do they become a member.. no rights no jobs no home.. they agree to some terms and choose a job. You show them. To their assigned home and than than they become a full citizen of HoS witch unlocks more privledges like a basic weapons permission so they are allowed to own a stone sword. And a basic tools permsion so they are allowed to own stone tools. 

POCAdmin's picture

HoS MinerBoy King, sounds good :)

HoS MinerGIRL C... (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

pocadmin, is there a way I or you can delete this post I don't need it I got the bigger one set up

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