Greetings, everyone !
It's time for a new Creative Contest! The topic of this contest is "My Kingdom"
Just like in a previous contest, you can participate in it with your friends.
The rules of the contest are the following:
1) Build castle, village or a town in a medieval style (you can choose either eastern or western style, or the style of any other culture!)
2) The building must be built from scratch! Redecorated or slightly rebuilt buildings that are already exist in the game won't be count as a contest work.
3) You may participate alone or bring up to 4 friends (for a max number of 5 people) to build together and if your map will win, all of you will get the prize!
4) Send us the name of your map with your creation using this application form -
5) Make sure your map for contest isn't private and is easily accessible for everyone. And don't forget that the private map will be deleted after the 15 days on inactivity. So make sure that it won't disappear before the contest deadline.
6) Offensive or NSFW creations won't be accepted.
We will accept your works by 2:00 PM 26th of March EST (6:00 PM 26th of March GMT). The winners will be announced on our YouTube channel on 27th of March.
The prizes
First place – 10,000 coins and 300 gems
Second place – 7,000 coins and 200 gems
Third place – 5,000 coins and 100 gems
N.B.: The prize won't get divided between builders. Each builder will get the full prize in case their map will win. Also, make sure to write the nicknames of participants in the application form correctly. Players whose nicknames written incorrectly or not included in the form won't get the prize.
This is a little early
well this is my first creative contest so I am excited.
Anyone wanna help me?
I can’t find you in planet craft for your game username
Cuz it said empty results
Dacoolalex YT,I know I currently have a different username.Try looking for Shadow-Milk-Cookie or something like that.Either that or the map is called Arcadia Palace
my friend started building this and asked me for help whle he was making this stupidly big castle that i have spent all night geting rid off and making a new one and some houses this finna be lit
Shadow milk cookie doesn’t work either
Dacoolalex YT,ah.I have special characters in my name so that’s also an issue.If you need the map name it’s Arcadia Castle I believe.I come on around 10pm till 12am sometimes to work on it idk the time zone
Saddness i wont be able to participate in this event but can i be a judge?? i really want to be one