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EjStreamz's picture

We should have a Redstone update pistonsĀ  more sound blocks for note blocks ect. Please this would be a good update And if any admins don't add this then they aren't really admins bc anyone can say they are an admin on this website

Vesterion's picture

I'm going to speak for the admins on this one. They will not be adding pistons any time soon for a few reasons:

  • Pistons are incredibly risky to add to the game. Lag machines, dupes, and other exploits are almost guaranteed with its first public release.
  • They have to account for every possible use case of the piston, from simple doors to complicated cannons. This is to make sure the piston works as intended for the player base.
  • Pistons have been suggested for years now, I'm sure they have their reasons for ignoring an obvious update.

As for note block sounds, have you tried everything? Most blocks that Minecraft uses to play a unique sound work in planet craft.