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MR CACKE YT's picture

Add a shulker or a chest in which you can put things and carry them with you. At the same time, it will be very difficult to find or get it.

justapurpledye's picture

or they can add bags for extra space?

WizzX's picture

Yah maybe add like bags or bundles that hold 30-60 slots

justapurpledye's picture

WizzX, this is poc, buddy. the least you can have is 6 slots. 12 if they are generous enough.

WizzX's picture

justapurpledye, dude, its just an idea, pay attention. I said "30-60" that is livery a good amount and plus NONE OF THIS IS EVEN IN THE GAME YET. In the update it is more than 12 slots

The Courier
The Courier's picture

They already did. It's called Private Chests. You can put things and carry them with you. At the same time they are very difficult to find or get them.

•Nok-POC•'s picture

The Courier, But you can't store different items in two different private chests as they are linked to your account so any private chest is same. Shulkers are different tho, as two different shulker boxes can contain different stuff and they are not linked to your account so anyone can store items in it.

Thranë õf ârc'n land
Thranë õf ârc'n land's picture

The Courier, They could make new craftable type of chest  like in the picture!

Like this
WizzX's picture

The Courier, you are kind of dumb,  my one from some black friday, and I do not think you can carry them with. 

Vesterion's picture

Shulkers are another dangerous thing to add, lots of exploits can come from it.

Take a look at Minecraft, it's like every 2 weeks there's a dupe coming from that specific item.

Sadly I doubt these will be coming any time soon for this exact reason.


They may take a simpler approach with a backpack system, since I noticed they made some extra empty space in the inventory GUI... (6.0)