You know the holiday packs were they take the classic texture pack and change some of their blocks to fit with eggs their holiday theme
well in the Christmas texture pack THEY REMOVED 2 VERY COOL DESIGNS
Look this is the only image I can find of this but look the jungle door and spruce logs have CHRISTMAS LIGHTS that's a cool thing but why did they remove it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
And look at the jungle door their is gold hinges
Basically back in the day the classic jungle door had gold hinges similar to the mideval texture packs door
Why did they remove it again idk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
In fact they removed an entire texture pack long long ago ok maybe not 2013 long ago but ok there was a texture pack called the neo texture pack basically it made blocks look like a debug and everything was blue in fact this was the only image I can find of the neo texture pack the one that is blue and hey is that Olga one of the old admins yea but ok this texture pack got removed in like 2018-2020
I never understood why it was removed yea no one was using it as there fav texture pack but still it was just a cool novelty I remember going to survival multiplayer while equipping the texture pack and trying to figure out quick blocks were which on what fun times I had
So pocadmins and devs pls bring pack the Christmas lights in the Christmas texture pack
Bring back the golden hinges from the jungle door into the classic texture pack
And bring back the neo texture pack ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Only og poc players remember these things about texture packs
Thu, 2024-07-25 05:21
Zombie’s Killer
Posts: 402
Joined: 21.10.2023
I can't find anything that includes the old classic texture pack of the jungle door with the golden hinges except for those Christmas texture pack with the Christmas lights
But the mideval jungle door looks 90% like the classic jungle door it even includes the gold hinges so it is the next best thing