i have this ss since your name was adri,harumi now pay the 20 diamond blocks you owed me last year :/ this was the chat before i trap you and dont mind the 4th one its eve being sus
and eve said that she would send the ss to brog first :> i will like to see if she payed and the ss
peacekeeper here are the ss and you kept believe'in harumi
taadaa who is the liar now?
Wed, 2022-08-10 11:45
City Builder
Posts: 268
Joined: 23.10.2021
even after all this proof theres still salty ppl saying its fake
Y'all fighting over 20dbs XD
BroGamezI13, More than u have
Pingu, I have stacks
BroGamezI13, Proof? Also if you have stacks couldn't you make yourself max armor? I would assume you would considering you call yourself "More Educated/Zeal"
Pingu, never called myself that and I have the three unbreaking i need to max my armour
Pingu, that is the clan not me
BroGamezI13, Your twin brother is the leader
BroGamezI13,she owed me more and i will like to know if she really send the ss
justapurpledye, just ask Pingu for some he has a ton to spare
BroGamezI13 no im poor :'3
20 diamond blocks.
1 year, and you still want 20 diamond blocks.
Do you even play survival?
I'm still hunting Archangel Gabriel for my 20 dbs Bc I most definitely won his building competition