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V01d's picture

I have not been playing Planet of Cubes often, but now I have come back. I most likely will stay, but there is a slight chance I might get bored and leave again. I don’t have much ench now, I used to have stacks of it. I know I could make a bunch of gold apples. I have a bunch of enchanted swords, they all are pretty good. My armor is max, but I lost my helmet ( I think it broke ). It’s fine though because I don’t PvP much anymore, since I haven’t played in a long time my PvP skills have gotten worse. The reason I don’t have ench much now is because I think I gave it to like clan members and stuff. I have a beacon, which is a pretty rare block I think in survival. I have good enchanted tools which are max / very very close to being maxed out. I have a lot of food, Gold Blocks, and Diamond Blocks, I also have a lot of Lapis Blocks and Obsidian. My sword has been maxed out for a long long time now I think. I have some more things in my private chest and in my inventory. Please give me your opinion on my private chest ( Note I haven’t played in a long time still ). Thank you! 

enderman.'s picture

Better than my private chest

Gordon's picture

wait, crossbows exist?

V01d's picture

Gordon, yeah

V01d's picture

I just need apples to make enchanted apples, because I have a lot of gold. 

enderman.'s picture

V01d, I advise you to have 1 boat and about 4 webs in the chest but this is just a tip for some escapes

The Courier
The Courier's picture

enderman.,Boats!?!  :D How boats are useful for escaping? O.o
I have already used spider webs successfully, but somehow i forgot that was useful, so thank you for the remainder anyway!

BroGamezI13's picture

V01d, welcome back my g

BroGamezI13's picture
DarkDiamond277's picture

bro thats like so op I feel like it take years for me to get stuff like that

SAM43's picture

Why so many harming arrows, why not just use an infinity bow

Lunar3clipse's picture

SAM43, Harming Arrows don't become duplicated by infinity

Rooyce's picture

i'd consider it decent private chest yes

Rooyce's picture

i've been playing for 3 years and i got 20 stacks of diamond blocks. Unfortunately my account bugged out and got deleted. So 1 month ago i created new account, its good as there is 3 stacks of diamond blocks

BigCatClanCaroleBaskin's picture

Super pro chest. One day we will all be that rich!