Fog glitch while teleporting has been there since the fog was added. Since you made me update my game, now pretty much all the time I teleport, I get the fog that doesn't go away, unless i go in to the menu and change settings. This is a big problem, especially teleporting to someone who might be in a base raid or hole, wasting precious seconds having to change menu settings to fix.
I sometimes have it on PC but I have more on my phone which is my 2nd account and I still don't understand why the fog was added to the game
enderman., basically it was added out of pure laziness or because it was difficult to fix a bug where you can see through blocks after Teleporting somewhere
Pingu, .-. I know the team is small but if they hire more admins I think they can solve it and I don't know about the bug of seeing through the blocks it's never happened to me these years
Guys, you have funny ideas. Let me clear things up. First. Admins are not necessarily developers (they have a different job), so admins won't just fix your bugs.
Second, the fog was added because many of you complained about the "DARKNESS", meaning when you teleported to someone, you did not see nothing, not even fog, only black screen, but if you teleported to someone in a fight, you were immediately attacked (and most likely killed in some cases) before the game even loaded the map. Now while the fog is seen, you actually CAN see your nearest blocks and enemies so you won't waste precious IP. When the fog goes away slowly, that most likely means your internet connection is bad (lagging, jittering) and the chunks are downloading slowly.
The Courier, The fog can only be removed with lava and water but it comes back and the darkness was from a bug that I also knew how to do on PC, which was to tp and press esc and the screen was dark
enderman.,That's a whole different story, avoid mixing things up.
Fog glitch is so annoying it happens to me so much going through the portal and the most annoying part is when I was in a war and it happened it was so hard to fight when I couldn't see
Phøenix, Cell phones are the ones that most often get into water fast to get rid of the fog
or u can do it by loggin' in and out that is what i do