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The Courier
The Courier's picture

If i break 10 chests of chicken eggs with a some dropper blocks, some small yellow chickens spawn, as expected. But when i TP away and then come back to see if the chicken growed already, they all disappear!!! After only a few minutes later.
Why does this happen? Is there a limit of mob count in a chunk? And if they exceed the limit, they despawn all at once?
Is there any other reason why they just disappear? (No other come around, because the player list was empty, there were no broken blocks and no items were missing other than the chickens,)
I'd like to get an explanation because I've lost 8600 chicken eggs by this. :((

The Courier
The Courier's picture

Is there a difference between chickens born by cracking eggs by hand or cracking by dropper block?
When i crack eggs by hand, the chickens never disappear like that before, only if i was away for more than a day or more.

POCAdmin2's picture

If you will spawn chickens by droping eggs by your hand, they won't despawn.

Pingu's picture

POCAdmin2, Wait so what's the point of using dispensers??

POCAdmin2's picture

Pingu, it can be used not only for chicken eggs.

Pingu's picture

POCAdmin2, But I made my dispenser machine thing so I don't spend 10 minutes throwing eggs when I just spent 30 min doing something else at base

ꆜᦔꫀ᧒ꪖ ꪜꪊ乂 ቿꋖቿ 乂...
ꆜᦔꫀ᧒ꪖ ꪜꪊ乂 ቿꋖቿ 乂ϟᏩჩЄϟꆜ's picture

The concept is baby chicks need an adult chicken or WILL DESPAWN every single time. Try using a spawn egg for an adult and then the eggs. Get back to me once you have tried and let me know if that helped. If not I will look for alternative systems I can build to prevent respawning. ;)

The Courier
The Courier's picture

ꆜᦔꫀ᧒ꪖ ꪜꪊ乂 ቿꋖቿ 乂ϟᏩჩЄϟꆜ,Nah, there were also adult chickens already, not only baby chickens, but they despawned all at once, 

Phøenix's picture

Just buy 2 spawn eggs and then just breed the chickens using seeds

Pingu's picture

Imagine that one guy trying to lead a chicken from the surface to their base, which would be underground at bedrock level.. 

RedTangs Rock3
RedTangs Rock3's picture

It's not that hard actually. Dig a hole all the way to bedrock, place a water block at the bottom, head back aboveground and grab your chicken, push the chicken(s) into the hole so it lands on the water block. Afterward, you do what you want with the chicken.

Pingu's picture

I got hungry while pushing the chicken

ꆜᦔꫀ᧒ꪖ ꪜꪊ乂 ቿꋖቿ 乂...
ꆜᦔꫀ᧒ꪖ ꪜꪊ乂 ቿꋖቿ 乂ϟᏩჩЄϟꆜ's picture

I'd watch that time lapse