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Pingu's picture

This nub ran for hole and ran in hole. He broke his bow trying to kill us.

FORD's picture

Gg, kinda sad when I team on u, you cry 

BigCatClanCaroleBaskin's picture

FORD, i believe they dont like you because when you show up to 1v1, you invite 20 other people to join your side, only way you can win.  Nubbins showed how easy a kill you are 1v1. Yes Nubbins died too...12v1. 
Anyways, guy in the video got wrecked and didn't call in 20 more.people. I at least give him props for that. 

FORD's picture

BigCatClanCaroleBaskin, I didn't call anyone. 

FORD's picture

BigCatClanCaroleBaskin, its was not 1v1 it was 3vs 6

WhoAmI poc
WhoAmI poc's picture

FORD, sure atleast i did not die and sure u "did not call anyone" like why was there tce why was there apsl hmm explain egg

WhoAmI poc
WhoAmI poc's picture

FORD,Hey ford really sad picture of ford who next up sad ford we all thought u were a car even there is a player named a jax he has his own soap u have a car

Phøenix's picture

BigCatClanCaroleBaskin, for starters we were in that spawn first you and pengy piggy came with some TCE and pingu demanded Ford 1v1 him It only turned into more people when TCE attacked Ford so I attacked TCE and when I turn around you/nubbins and piggy were all fighting so the rest of us joined to make it fair there for it was not 1v1

WhoAmI poc
WhoAmI poc's picture

Phøenix, yea so real 100%  ok we know this is fake we came ford nub tce was already there nubbins went so pro. And trickshot ford and he fell to the floor and respawned phoenix tried to kill me i went out of spawn and scared.

BigCatClanCaroleBaskin's picture

Lol is this guy bragging that 1) ran for hole 2) ate 30 enchants 3) ate 30 gaps 4) broke his bow 5) wrecked his armor 6) ran and hide to tp away.  
Lol good work piggy and pingu.

Pingu's picture
WhoAmI poc
WhoAmI poc's picture

BigCatClanCaroleBaskin, nice me and pingu did good

FORD's picture

Your doing something liegally bad 

Pingu's picture

FORD, you did it before, I just popularized it :-)

Phøenix's picture

Pingu, discord is one thing Ford chose to post it on discord you did not ask him if you could take it and post it here Ford nor apsl have done anything to you so seriously just leave us alone

FORD's picture

Now Ik how you people, are really are how would u feel. If I would post a pic of ur face on here. It's not nice and its wrong. Its also invasion of privacy. Not only that you guys think its funny, its rude and unnecessary

Pingu's picture

"Invasion of privacy" 

idk's picture

it is an invasion of privacy, he’s also a minor. And had there been landmarks or anything geographically identifiable for a specific location, online predators (which we know exist on PoC and you’re starting to look like one) could easily find where he and his family lives. It only takes one google search for the web to recognize a face and / or pull sensitivity information. 
Read the laws and breaches of safety posting a minor’s photo online could cause. 
You might think it’s a joke but there is consequences for acting ridiculous, especially going to extremes over a game. Did you have permission to post that picture? No, you did not. 

FORD's picture

You guy's would cry if I would done that to you.

Pingu's picture

No, I would 
1) claim it's a fake and increase security by 10,000%
2) hide
3) find Ford and kill him (in PoC)

WhoAmI poc
WhoAmI poc's picture

FORD,hey ford when u wrote u guys would have cried if ive done that to you ;// hmmm ford need look behind him under his bed his closet another room 

FORD's picture

And I also think your taking to to extreme measures this is literally a game.

Pingu's picture

Others have done worse. Recent and known case is a specific player leaking another player's ip and city. 
There's a PoC vid where this guy sees PoC people's TikToks (exposed their faces and stuff) and then PoC kills Lol

Phøenix's picture

Yea I agree with Ford this has to stop pingu it's a game

Pingu's picture

"Pingu has no limits" - Limit (maybe)

WhoAmI poc
WhoAmI poc's picture

I do not agree it should be a meme and all over internet :) its a joke

WhoAmI poc
WhoAmI poc's picture


WhoAmI poc
WhoAmI poc's picture

R.i.p ford

idk's picture

When you cry about getting teamed on but team on others anyways