I was thinking about the forums so I decided to check the Wayback Machine website and it is saved 155 times wow! Here's the link to check some stuff out https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://poc.solverlabs.com/
I was thinking about the forums so I decided to check the Wayback Machine website and it is saved 155 times wow! Here's the link to check some stuff out https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://poc.solverlabs.com/
Has anyone check this out yet
8 years tho.. Dang
destiny, yes it's a long time
For the first couple years, the forums ended up being archived very often given the explosion of new forum members back when Survival Multiplayer was new, then during the golden era of clans in the original PoC community (2016-2017), and even some things before then (2014-2015), but some point after 2018/2019 or so the forums stopped being archived on the Wayback machine website for a long while until a year or so back I eventually decided to archive parts of the forums once or twice every month for a while until somewhat recently I stopped doing that.
It's possible for pretty much anyone to manually achieve websites onto Wayback if you know how (I believe that somewhere on that site it gives you directions on how to do so).
My contributions to archiving the forums can be most easily seen here;