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Mr.DarkX's picture

I think there should be a quartz mineral and that when you mine it you could get a specific amount of quartz.

It's just an idea to make quartz a little easier to find.

obviously at deep enough levels and that the generation of the mineral would be controlled enough so that the mineral is not broken

(I'm not very good at explaining things, sorry)

Mr.DarkX's picture

I only related the redstone a little with the quartz and I got this idea

Give me tnt
Give me tnt's picture

Or they could add the Nether which has a ore called Nether Quartz Ore seen here: https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Nether_Quartz_Ore

Mr.DarkX's picture

Give me tnt,no because that would be more difficult for developers

BlueTangs Rock3
BlueTangs Rock3's picture

Mr.DarkX wrote: Give me tnt,no because that would be more difficult for developers

I mean, not really. Sure them making the Nether dimension may be a challenge (yet a very possible one) for them to add, but a quartz ore block; whether it be an ore for the Overworld or the Nether is a pretty simple task for developers who make Minecraft-like games.

Mr.DarkX's picture

BlueTangs Rock3,It would be complicated for them by the simple fact that very few people are working on this game.

Mr.DarkX's picture

Mr.DarkX,I'm just looking for ways to make it easier for them to implement things to the game

BlueTangs Rock3
BlueTangs Rock3's picture

Mr.DarkX wrote: Mr.DarkX,I'm just looking for ways to make it easier for them to implement things to the game

That's understandable

The guy with re...
The guy with redstone_Youcrafter XD.Trader's picture

Mr.DarkX,Yes only 20 people and not everyone on of them is in the programming department

Give me tnt
Give me tnt's picture


☞☂︎ røõÿçęfō⍰úñd ☂︎☞
☞☂︎ røõÿçęfō⍰úñd ☂︎☞'s picture


Mr.DarkX's picture

Yeah, so it might work like until they implement the nether

Mr.DarkX's picture

Mr.DarkX,Until they find a way to implement it *