In every online game there are rare usernames,and POC is no exception. I have searched up rare usernames and I got a lot of results,but not all.
If you search up Anthony this player will be the first result. This person is never online,as I checked many times a day. But,this person could be online sometimes,as their name still exist. I actually thought this player was The Anthony that made Parkridge,but I forgot that Anthony deleted POC,so this other player is unknown,and rare.
Like the first name,amogus is the first result in the search term amogus. Because this player is named after the among us meme,they must have made this acc in 2021. Most POC players play for months,unless they just made a acc for no reason. So its another possibility that sometimes this player is online.
Basically every rare name i find will just be sometimes online or never online and stuff.
Rare names: Do not,Cookie,among,butter,crack,craft,Minecraft,please,dream,sonic
If anyone else knows more rare usernames and have interacted with them,let me know
Rarest usernames in POC
Wed, 2021-08-25 19:09
Creative Guy
Posts: 346
Joined: 17.08.2021
Nubbins m.o.p leader ghe tho ofa
The heck?
Both of those names r names of certain THOs, Anthony is an Elite, and AmogUs is a Warrior, like myself.
They are? Wow thats interesting.
Wouldnt every single possible username be considered the "rarest names"? Cus no 2 people can have the same username
I just named myself Blue.
And it is possible to have the same name, there were 3 Kadouh Wolves ( One was me )
Judy,that's not what I mean but whatever
Why did I make this post...