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Archangel Gabriel
Archangel Gabriel's picture

Admins can you please fix lightning so that you can see the actual lightning bolt? I would like this alot.please add this.also ability to die from it

Riverstar3838's picture

I agree

☞☂︎ røõÿçęfō⍰úñd ☂︎☞
☞☂︎ røõÿçęfō⍰úñd ☂︎☞'s picture

me too instead of flashing

ALITTARY's picture

Weird, when I see lightning there is the light,bolt and other effects. I've never seen a naked bolt, maybe it's the device your using?

BlueTangs Rock3
BlueTangs Rock3's picture

The lightning bolt does indeed exist, you just need to be quite quick to look up over you, or be far enough away from the lightning bolt's strike to see it from afar, since they go away pretty fast.

It might also be a device-dependent thing; like what Alittary said, that may be stopping lightning bolts from rendering for you, but I couldn't confirm this.

Archangel Gabriel
Archangel Gabriel's picture

Ive never seen a lightning bolt before in poc,i photoshoped this

Jedi0fEndor Pri...
Jedi0fEndor Private Map Explorer's picture

I've never seen or dealt with lightning...

Pixj2's picture

when was lightning added to the PoC ?