the End biom would be sort of like the Minecraft End biom, but would only consist of 1 large or multiple small connected islands. Their would be several obsideon pillars containing and end crystal or some other block. But the differences are as follows:
1. there is no end city, after you kill the ender dragon the exit portal opens and where the ender dragon egg would be is a chest with food, 1 elytria, 1-3 golden or enchated golden apples, random enchanted armor or tools, diamond gold or iron horce armor and saddles,
2. end portal fraims and several ideas about them:
A. end portal frames can not be mined at all
B. end portal frames can be mined with silk touch but when placed down can not be acctivated
C. End portal frames only stack with each other and not different end fraim pieces when a full set (12) of the same portal are placed down only then dose a portal open
D. followed from idea A. after ender dragon boss is defeated and plyer goes through the exit portal the enturance portal blocks (the black “void” matter that fills the inside of the end portal) become sollid and posibly a different color to signify that this end biom is beaten
3. the end can not be mined, it is like a spawn zone, this keeps players from making bases that are completely hidden from player veiw but it allows players to kill the mobs and dragon.
The End Biom
Sat, 2021-01-30 22:36
Forum Star
Posts: 633
Joined: 16.07.2020
I mean that all sounds cool but let's not get carried away, the admins already got a lot of work on their backs right now.
ALITTARY, yeah but this gives a simpler idea of what the End could look like and be different from minecraft. this idea is also more simple than building the end city and other hard to make things
Builder, Now what I'm wondering is how many of this dimension would there be? Because if there was only 1 then everyone would be swarming into it and causing insanity and havoc and even if there were multiple, the same people puppy guarding the mansion would greedily keep these places to themselves and farm loot from it.
This is another one those things that I feel would be better for single player as it would encourage people to play different game modes more often. Great Idea though!
Hm, sounds interesting! Maybe we will add something like this in the future, but it won't be soon.