while teleporting to a different biome my game crashed. so i reloaded the game and when it loaded it said i died. i lost all my max enchant stuff. i was teleport between spawn zones and my gear is not at either of them. i am way out with nobody around. where did all my gear go?
Your stuff most likely despawned. Why weren't you using an inventory protection potion?
If you killed or dead, you need to play 3 days with not protection :(
nubs use inventory protection lol. Id just prefer the game not to glitch up and me lose my stuff
BigCatClanCaroleBaskin, Why do you care so much about using inventory protection potions? I'd much rather be labeled as a "nub" than lose thousands of coins worth of enchantments and items
Judy, lol or just make the game work right
I dont even have enought coins for inventory potion.when i get coins,i cant just not use them.i immediately use them for enchanting
Ugh, this just happened again. teleport between spawns, as teleporting it says i lost connection and need to reconnect, when i get back on, im dead and my gear is gone, in a matter of like 30 secs.....zombies. was way out with nobody else around.....
This needs fixed, plus zombie need toned down, they shouldnt be killing max armor people in a few hits
It happens to me a lot I lost one of my best swords cause I tried to ride a horse through a doorway and my game glitched and suffocated me in a wall and I wasn't even next to the wall
The death part of this issue may not be due to the actual teleporting, but because of the fact that crashing doesn't get your player off the map.
When you crash, although to your perspective you're on your home screen, and your client disconnected, your player entity is still registered on the map.
In this situation, things around you behave in the game the same way it would if you were actually playing (even with all of this happening without you or your client actually on the game); time still passes normally, the chunks around your player entity are still fully loaded, mobs can spawn, crops and livestock can grow, timed potion effects can still count down without you on, items can despawn, and your player is still vulnerable to all damage (whether it be player-caused, monater-caused, environmental, etc.).
Basically, a crashed player is the same as a player who's just standing still/afk.
The only way to exit the server properly (your player entity disconnects in sync with your player client) is by leaving the game via going to the menu screen, as all other methods (home button, clearing opened tabs, wifi disconnect, client/performance lag disconnect, traditional crashing, and restarting your phone) will just result in a crash, but keep your player entity registered.
*monster-caused, not "monater-caused"
BlueTangs Rock3, so is that the only way to get out of the map in battle mode? :0
Crashing doesn't get you out of the map in general. The only thing that gets off of the game when you crash is your client and your perspective, however your player entity is still on the map and is still vulnerable to damage.
Trying to intentionally crash yourself to bypass battle mode isn't only just not going to work, but will be guaranteed to get you killed because by the point where you'd feel the need to exit the server while battle mode is still on is when a player is actively chasing you while you're at low health. Crashing your game would be effectively the same as standing still and letting something kill you, so by the time you reconnect your client to the server you'll already be respawning.
BlueTangs Rock3, I still think you can get out of battle mode by going to the home page or whatever and reopening PoC. maybe only useful if your being fisted to death
Wait, when you died, what did you die to? Or did it just say "You died" or something?
In the perspective of the player who died, they would most likely never see their death message, as it seems like in-game chat is client-side.
However to others, it'd most likely be a normal death message, as to everyone and everything else on the server, a crashed player is the same as a connected AFK player.
Im guessing I died to zombies. A couple of them can take down a afk/crashed godset playerr in a few hits. Then being nobody else im the spawn zone, items in the aafe area despawn really quick.
that happened to me too and i lost my iron sword i bought for like 90 coins idk remember but i lost it and some of my coins
PokemonDannyGamer2ndAccount, why did u buy an iron sword -_-
Pingu, im rich
Pingu, but not enough to get diamond
and im kinda bad at pvp in PoC so just to protect myself from frequently appearing zombies
also i need good weapons or i wont be able to start clan
I used to be rich, 10,000 coins, I remember.
Pingu, wow thats a lot of coims
I have officially reached 0 Coins :()
Pingu, i have reached finally 1000 coins for the first time and bought a private chest tho for the second time bc i broke the first one without knowing....
Tell me you got it from the trader NPC
Pingu, no
i did not
i got from the quick shop on the top right corner right next to menu button
Top 10 moments that ruined people's careers
Pingu, i wish u could but a trading station with a trader inside but thats weird and impossible
810 is better than 900, in coins spent
Pingu, yes
And then.. I had the desire to get better armor, better tools, better life.
I ended up getting Silk Touch I
All things come to an end..
there was was a raid, I lost my sword, my private chest, my Silk Touch I. I ended up keeping some good things..
Those good things.. Were like a seed.. The dirt, the stuff in my private chest. All I needed was some help. Piggy helped me make a far, far base. Still not raided, to this day..
bUt, ThAt'S a StOrY fOr AnOtHeR ... wHaT iF
About that teleport glitch. instead of teleporting on the ground, u r teleported in the sky, causing u to fall to the ground before the chunks load in. I managed to fall as the chunks loaded in to learn this information. most of the time I use an elytra to counter this glitch.
I've had 1 death from tp ,I hit the portals square on, which seems to solve the to falling glitch.
I think I've had 2 deaths to tp, after the second I always switched to an elytra before going to another realm. however the main spawn (50 : -100) this never has happened.