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AnTiSOciAl usm ...
AnTiSOciAl usm co leader's picture

Hello everyone! You might not know me, but I am a fellow player. This year has been tense between clans, and I am hosting our first annual Christmas party of the clans! This will be a peaceful celebration, with no fighting. Everyone is welcome, even if you are not in a clan. We will give gifts, talk, and eat food! If this is something you are interested in, say something so i can get a feel for how many people are going. Location and time has not been decided yet, but it will come soon. I will keep you guys updated!
First update!
below is a list of rules. If you have some reason you cant follow them, talk to me about it and we will figure it out. 
2) no weapons, armor, etc.
3) no hateful talk. Keep it peaceful!
4) No talking about fighting or wars. The time will come to talk about it, but this is not the time
5) Get along! 
That is it for now, like I said, date and time coming soon. Also, if anyone could get a hold of PoCadmin2 or 1, that would be great. I need to talk to them.
date and time has been declared! 
The event will be held on December 26, at 9:00pm Est! Location coming soon


Judy's picture

Very wholesome idea. Hope the clans will actually cooperate with the rules instead of turning the event into a bloodbath.

AnTiSOciAl usm ...
AnTiSOciAl usm co leader's picture

Judy, yea, i figured this will bring out the actually good clans

Elektrika's picture

Judy, knowing clans they probably wont...

BlueTangs Rock3
BlueTangs Rock3's picture

This reminds me of that time back in 2017 when Hakuin decided to have a bunch of the different groups in the original PoC community meet up in a Spawntown.

Here's a video of Hakuin's perspective of the event: https://youtu.be/mCsU-0T8Obs

Archangel Gabriel
Archangel Gabriel's picture

Someone might set up a tnt trap under the place...but please trust me,i am no threat.im a peaceful player,and i dont kill anyone,honestly i mostly run,and i have bad armor

Colatrix's picture

Gabriel Snowflake, lol same.i have maxed out armor and i still run from fights

AnTiSOciAl usm ...
AnTiSOciAl usm co leader's picture

So, are all of u going? And also, gabriel sammee lmao

Rooyce's picture

me too can i join? but i am scared of players making booby traps and i have only got bad armor

AnTiSOciAl usm ...
AnTiSOciAl usm co leader's picture

Ye. Im going to make some rules and have a date and time

Colatrix's picture

AnTiSOciAl usm co leader, hold the event in a spawn zone relativly close to main spawn (like 1,000:1,000) that way theirs no fighting or atleast ppl have to leave to fight

Pixj2's picture

this is a great idea , do you need help building an event venue ?

AnTiSOciAl usm ...
AnTiSOciAl usm co leader's picture

Pixj2, yes that would be great. I alr think I might have a spot, but idk yet

KOLO THO's picture

I want to come it's nice.
I can build with you the place of the event?

Dmuz's picture

Count me innn

Dmuz's picture

I know a spot it rlly far away it up to the. 28378+

Archangel Gabriel
Archangel Gabriel's picture

Wait,when is this? I wanna make sure i will be able to play at the time.tell me the time you will post coords of the building/party area,and tell me your time zone.i can google and translate ur time zone to mine.+i might join efc,and i KNOW that it is a good clan,cause most of my friends are on it,like builder,ze assassain yt,etc.i hope this turns out well :) :( :-\

Dmuz's picture
Judy's picture

Gabriel Snowflake, Do you know if ECF even still exists? The last I heard from them was when all their stuff was raided.

Colatrix's picture

Judy wrote:
Gabriel Snowflake, Do you know if ECF even still exists? The last I heard from them was when all their stuff was raided.

yes ECF still exists. we have 7 members
Colatrix - leader
KOLO - co-leader
youcrafter XD trader - redstone master
te amo takis - something ;-P
Gabriel Snowflake - new member
Gold Solo - PvP person
Jackson - miner

Dmuz's picture

Builder,im a farmer ;-P

Judy's picture

Builder, dang, so ze assassin really quit the game?

Ze Assassin YT
Ze Assassin YT's picture

Judy,nooo I’m right here!

Ze Assassin YT
Ze Assassin YT's picture

Builder, wait what about me I'm here too I got locked out of my account due to technical issues

Colatrix's picture

Ze assassin YT, lol sorry i thought you had left us. 
Ze assassin YT - leader
Colatrix - co-Leader
youcrafter XD traider - redstone enginer
KOLO - traider
TE AMO TAKIS - Farmer 
Gabriel Snowflake - collector / builder
Speedo - new member

The guy with re...
The guy with redstone_Youcrafter XD.Trader's picture

Builder, redstone master :P

Archangel Gabriel
Archangel Gabriel's picture

9:00 am or pm ???

Dmuz's picture

Gabriel Snowflake, 10:00 am :D

AnTiSOciAl usm ...
AnTiSOciAl usm co leader's picture

Oops lol. Pm. If that is inconvenient for anyone, we can hold two, I just wont be able to host the first one

Caleb908708's picture

how do you join a clan anyway?

Archangel Gabriel
Archangel Gabriel's picture

Theres a good chance i might be on

Emilia Meadow
Emilia Meadow's picture

oK,Where,s the venue,What,s your map so  that i can find you mine,s Rosabella city

Emilia Meadow
Emilia Meadow's picture

I think planet of cubes in upgraded

The guy with re...
The guy with redstone_Youcrafter XD.Trader's picture

Oh no

Dmuz's picture

what upp

The guy with re...
The guy with redstone_Youcrafter XD.Trader's picture

It's raided.

Dmuz's picture

Your base??

AnTiSOciAl usm ...
AnTiSOciAl usm co leader's picture

TE AMO TAKISᐕ, if u were asking about me, it was my personal base. I don't have a clan rn, I just haven't changed my name here cuz im too lazy

Dmuz's picture

Or clan Base?..??????

Bossik's picture

I would like to help with this if it is really going to happen:) glad to see some who wants to see the community come together instead of raiders as Pvp's

AnTiSOciAl usm ...
AnTiSOciAl usm co leader's picture

Bossik, That would be great, I can use all the help I can get lol.

Zombieking's picture

Nope they are raided. I think it's cause the xray glitches are made publicly on the forum.

POCAdmin2's picture

Zombieking, x-ray bug will be fixed in the next patch.

The guy with re...
The guy with redstone_Youcrafter XD.Trader's picture

POCAdmin2, I think a lot of people would appreciate that. (:

AnTiSOciAl usm ...
AnTiSOciAl usm co leader's picture

Thank goodness lol. Dont get me wrong, every once and a while I will spawn and I can see into where a nice mine is, but I wouldnt use it for bad. I also think I might have the party still. It wont be as grand, but I rebuilt fast. Special thanks to Gabriel Snowflake for the christmas event, it helped a lot. Date and time will still be the same as declared earlier on

Bossik's picture

So are we still holding this party? Is it tomorrow? What time are we thinking about?

The guy with re...
The guy with redstone_Youcrafter XD.Trader's picture

26 Dezember 9pm EST

Bossik's picture

The guy with redstone_Youcrafter XD.Trader,
Thank you! alarm clock set!!!

Bossik's picture

I want to make sure I don't miss the 2nd one :)

Joy's picture

How do we join clans? Is that a gamemode?
