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Elektrika's picture

I think that one feature that would be helpful is capes. This would make it easy to tell what clan someone is in at a moment's notice. It would also look really cool. I have a sample of one here:

Judy's picture

I think dyed armor does that well enough.

POCAdmin2's picture

This is an intersting suggestion. I will discuss it with our dev team. Thank you, Elektrika.

KOLO THO's picture

POCAdmin2, When can we download the next clan update

POCAdmin2's picture

Kolo, we work hard to release it as soon as possible.

ALITTARY's picture

Dyed elytras?

Dmuz's picture

Agree with ze capes

Archangel Gabriel
Archangel Gabriel's picture

Clan capes-banners-loom-ability for elytra to glide up-the paper update lol

Mr. GoodGuy
Mr. GoodGuy's picture

ye thats a good suggestion it would make the clans look more good

Pixj2's picture

вы можете создавать баннеры и делать их доступными только в магазине или создавать их на верстаке из шерсти и палочек

Pixj2's picture

you can create banners and make them available only in the store or create them on a workbench made of wool and sticks

Dmuz's picture

Wait...if they do add them what color should ECF be then??

Colatrix's picture

TE AMO TAKIS, ECF curently dose not have a clan color, but each memeber has his or her seperate color armor. the colors must be 1. easy to make (dont chose a color that takes 10 different dyes to make) 2. it cant be to similar to someone elses armor (you crafters armor is black so dark grey is not availible for use). my color is cactus grean, Ze assassin YT is lapis blue, youcrfter XD traider's color is ink sack black, and idk what KOLO's, gold solo, or jacksons color is. i dont think they chose one yet. 
if ECF desides to make a clan color we will probubly just dye the helmet a certan color

Dmuz's picture

Builder,LOL so what should mah color be :0

Judy's picture

Builder, btw what happenef to ECF after it got raided and lost everything? I haven't heard anything about Ze assassin for a while now

Pixj2's picture

что такое ECF ?

Pixj2's picture

what is a ECF  ?

KOLO THO's picture

Pixj2, clan ECF

Pixj2's picture

lol, my English text is automatically translated to Russian when sending a message xD