(please read the whole thing i know it's long sorry lol, I dont expect all of these features to be added, but i hope some of them can at least)
1) Kick feature: I dont get why we can't kick specific people, If one or two people are being innapropriate or offensive in my map, I can't do anything about it, besides making it friends only, thus kicking out majority of the people in my map. If I had this feature earlier I couldv'e stopped my private map from being burned down numerous times by people who used the survival/creative glitch.
2)Control Weather: I honestly don't see why we can't change weather/ time of day.
3)Spawn eggs: I already heard these are being added, but I just want t emphasize that this is a good idea.
4) Mute: I know you can already mute people, but I mean like mute people so no one in the private map can hear them. If someone is spamming innapropriate stuff, the private map owner should be able to make it so no one can hear them.
5) Specific buld permissions: Also one I don't understand why it isn't added. Friends only being able to build is pretty basic. I really don't want all my friends to be able to build in my private map, doesn't make sense.
6)Change map size: A scale from 10x10 to up to 100x100 size maps. Pretty self explanatory
7) Command blocks: someone already made a topic about this, but I want to emphasize that its a good idea for private maps.
8) Ability to enable/disable: Lava or water flowing, fire spreading, TNT exploding, mob spawning (besides mobs spawned by spawn eggs)
9) Transfer map ownership: I think we should be able to transfer map ownership, I got a new device and I want to transfer the private map to that account, because my tablet isn't working well anymore.
10) private map owners can choose a set version of the game that people entering have to be to join: I know, this makes no sense at all. But before you just ignore this idea I have some reasoning behind it. Players on earlier versions are able to glitch through iron doors, people who didn't update the game are still able to do the glitch that lets them get survival items in creative, and people who haven't updated and are still on lower versions of the game don't see upside down slabs right, or quartz slabs, so they're able to run through them.
11) access to: flint and steel in creative private maps. A lot of people want to make fires in there maps for campfires and decoration but the only possible way now is putting wood around netherrack and surrounding it in lava, waiting for minutes just for it to burn.
That's all, thanks for reading this
i didnt even know how to light fires in creative multiplayer. also why are their potient ingredents and ingots in the creative inventory
Yeah idk why thiers random stuff in creative and not useful things like flint and steel and the things they said
Give me tnt,everything is random in creative mode honestly