These are just some small changes that I think would make the game a little bit better.
- the ability to give coins to other players. After the enchantment update, coins are actually useful and valuable, so I think that paying coins should be an option when trading with other players
- make it so that when you sneak, other players cant see your username, unless they are in your friends list
- make it so that when you sneak, your character model visibly crouches down and your hitbox gets a bit shorter
- make it so that you can view and cancel the friend requests that you sent to other players. Sometimes, I friend people by accident, so it would be nice if I could cancel the friend requests that I sent to other players
- the option to turn auto-jump off
- knockback for players. Currently, only monsters and animals get knocked back when they get damaged. Adding knockback for players will make the game way more challenging and fun.
- re- add the feature where you can place non-solid blocks (like lava, water, or cobwebs) on players again. idk why this perfectly fine feature was removed
- Put a limit on how many players can be in a single spawn zone at once, maybe around 60-80 players per spawn zone? Not only would this make the game a little less laggy, it would also encourage players to make more spawn zones in different biomes.
- for PC and Mac platforms, add right click and scroll wheel functionality. The left click does everything: attack, use items, place blocks. But it's kind of annoying when you mean to use a block put you accidentally attack someone or vice versa. On those platforms, you have to press a number button to switch what item youre holding which is fine, but it would be nice if you were also able to switch items using the scroll wheel of a mouse.
- FIX THE HITBOXES. The hitboxes for this game are so bad, especially when you are trying to hit a player thats running away from you. You can hit a player from around 3-4 blocks away if you both are standing still. But the instant you and your target start moving around, your attack range goes down to what feels like 1 block or less. Also, the hitboxes are not always accurate to where the player's character is, which is very annoying when you are trying to shoot a moving player using a bow or crossbow
I will add more ideas to this list as I see fit.
There should also be coin experience when you kill a zombie of mine diamonds you get a couple of coins as experience points
1. the scrole wheal changeing the items would be annoying because (i dont play planet craft on a computer but i use a mouse foreveryday life with my laptop and other games that i do play on my computer) you often hit the scroll wheal during moments of panic or adrenalin and switching items mid attack and you switch to a block or your food or when your trying to get out of lava and you switch do your sword. or you scrole to far and get another item.
2. what is auto jump?
3. when useing a bow or cross bow the reson you have problems hitting stuff is probubly because your shot is/was off and you missed. another factor in this is that when the player is moveing their hit boxes may actualy be off. while that is very unlikely it is still posible. and lastly the reason it misses is because it is generaly hard to hit moveing objects. i have practised alot in my bases creating obsticles to shoot around and i even have goten a friend to run around in a forest biom as i shot at him with my bow. it is not imposible to hit moveing targets just harder
1. I've never accidentally hit my scroll wheel during intense situations. In fact, I'm more likely to switch to the wrong item using the number keys because I have to move my entire hand to press a number key while keeping the rest of my fingers close to the wasd keys and the spacebar. With a scroll wheel, I dont have to take any fingers off my keyboard to switch items because my mouse is the one switching items. Accurately switching items using the number keys (without needing to look at the keys themselves) takes much more dexterity and muscle memory than using a scroll wheel. Also, accidentally switching to the wrong item using a scroll wheel is much easier to correct than switching to the wrong item using the number keys, so I don't think that's a very applicable argument.
2. You know that mechanic where if you walk into a one block tall obstacle you automatically jump onto it? That's basically what auto jump is.
3. I already mentioned inaccurate hitboxes in my original post. One of the only times I'm able to hit a moving player with an arrow is when they are running away from me in a completely straight line. There have been plenty of times where I lined my shot up, but I see my arrow literally go through my target's player model and do zero damage, hence why I think that the hitboxes are laggy or inaccurate.
Minor correction: There have been plenty of times where I lined my shot up *on a moving target*, but I see my arrow literally go through my target's player model and do zero damage, hence why I think that the hitboxes are laggy or inaccurate.
The hitboxes are pretty accurate but only if you and your target are standing still.
1. the hit boxes are correct it is the lag. you see the person running say 15 blocks in font of you when they are actualy 17 or 18 blocks away. so you arange for 15 blocks distance and you hit their skin but the actual hit boxes are a few blocks infront.
1. The lag is what's making the hitboxes incorrect. Also, you're just repeating the things I already said in my originial post. I already said that the hitboxes are not accurate in relation to where the player models are.
2. In my original post, I said that players should have the OPTION to turn auto jump off which means that you can choose whether you want auto jump or not.
Please actually read and understand what my post says before you comment on it.
ik you said that but i am saying why it should stay and why it is helpfull