do horses have an Infinant hunger bar? I was ride Inc my horse and we would occasionally be bit shot at or punched by mobs and the horse would just keep on regening so dose that say that the horse won't die unless dozens of mobs are attacking it and it can't heal? Also can I be hit while ridding a horse a lot of Skelatons have shot at me and I've never taken damage. So is the horse basicly a second health bar with extra health?
Yes,played can hurt you when I'm horse.
Only players? What about mobs I would think skeletons would be able to shoot me but idk
Horses will always slowly regenerate health, and since they have no hunger bar, they can continue to regenerate with no consequences.
However there's things that you can do to manually increase their health, such as feeding horses; even though horses only breed with golden apples and golden carrots, there's a wide variety of foods that horses eat to gain health such as wheat, apples, sugar, haybales, golden carrots, and golden apples all healing various amounts of the horse's health depending on the rarity of the food.
Though horses do automatically regenerate health, many sources of damage can either hurt the horse faster than it could heal itself (ex: skeletons, hostile players, or someone's tamed dogs being sent after your horse) , or can cause enough damage all at once to that the horse could easily die in worse-case scenario (ex: creepers, TNT explosions, and lava).
Horse armor, craftable with leather (leather horse armor only), or obtainable from Apple temples (Dungeons with actual loot) and apparently from rare monster drops, can help defend your horse's health by increasing it's armor points. Unlike player armor, horse armor never breaks. The order of horse armors from lowest defense to highest defense is leather, iron, gold (one of the few cases where gold is better than iron), and diamond.
Also different breeds of horses have various amounts of health, speed, and jump height. breeding the right horse breeds for what you want from a horse will help give you the best horses for a particular job (in this case, try breeding horses for high amounts of health).
Which horses have more health?
It's hard to tell which ones have more health just by looking at them, if you're riding the horse you should see it's health bar as an extra set of hearts around where your hunger bar would be, and the more hearts that horse has, the more health it has. If you breed a horse with a large amount of health with another horse with a large amount of health, you'll eventually get a baby horse that would have stats slightly better than the parents, which when it grows up you could breed it with another horse with a large amount of health, until you end up maxing out the limit of health a horse can have (which is 15 hearts/30 hp). The best horses for health stats, speed stats, and jump height stats do not naturally spawn, so if you want the best possible horses you'd need to start breeding horses for those specific purposes, especially if you want a single horse with all three atributes maxed out.
i am riding a horse with 14 harts I take it that that is good (technically not anymore because I killed the horse. *rip horse moment of silence* I tried to cross a stream that was 2 blocks deep and it won't let you ride a horse I deep water WHYYYYYYYY so I decided to continue back to my base on foot) I wanted my saddle back lol I'm so evil but their was a lot of horses on the surface around my base like every 3 chunks their is a horse I thought one was a donkey. But it was just a grey horse. Also can friends ride my horse or is it only mine I would assume that it would but idk
and can you enchant horse armor?
You're not meant to ride horses though deep water, they're meant to be for land transportation only.
Unlike regular armor, horse armor is not effected by enchantments, so there's no point to enchanting them.
Also, any player has the ability to ride your horse as long as it has a saddle and it was a tamed horse of course, as unlike most tameable mobs horses don't have loyalty to their owners (they don't teleport to you when you get too far away from them, and any player can claim "ownership" of someone else's horses simply by riding them away).
And since horses move very fast imagine putting swiftness 2 splash potient on it. lol I have a race car
Horsies eat all those little snacks,then a whole bale of wheat? And maybe just every while throw splash potion of regenereation at it,if you feel like it will die.or healing.
I almost died yesterday. My game lagged and crashed just as I saw a witch walk overtop of the hill. I quickly rebooted my game and soon was back in my game then I ran (with the witches slowness and poison) a few blocks away and climbed up 23 blocks till my stone ran out but since I was in a Vally the witch climbed the hill and kept throwing potients at me I stood their like an idiot for several seconds as the witch threw more harming bottles at me. Then I remembered I had a bow so I pulled it out and shot all my 4 arrows that I had on me (got them from a skeleton, I don't useualy carry around a bow most of the time. But since I spend a lot of time alone in my bases I practice archery and can even do some 360 shots and I've even thought my self how to shoot things while both targets are running in opposite direction) each arrow struck the stupid witch and killed her on my last arrow. Then I stood their resented my health and then went down I am so thank full poison won't kill you just takes you down to half heart
In our video about horses (you can find it on YT), we mentioned that every horse is born with unique characteristics of health, speed and jump height. In all other, thanks BlueTangs Rock3 - he explained everything perfectly