

New v4.4 is out on Apple Store! Private Maps for Everybody, for Friends Only or for You Only!

Good new today! New v4.4 is out on Apple Store with new hot features!

Who loves World of Cubes here? It is a time to get similar gameplay on Planet of Cubes! 

- Now you can create Private Maps in Singleplayer Creative or Survival.

- You can upload your Private Maps to Multiplayer with such options: Who can modify? 1 - Everyone, 2 - Friends, 3 - Only Me. Who can join? 1 - Everyone, 2 - Friends, 3 - Only Me. 

Own servers and private worlds in NEW v4.4! Already available on Google Play!

Hello guys!

It's time to check your devices and update the game again!

HUGE UPDATE with new exciting features!

Secret Santa Christmas Party

Hello guys!

Join Secret Santa party on Decemder, 25

Write to Secret Santa, or on this thread to get invite

How To Obtain And Wear Mob Heads

Hello guys!

Here is the video about our new helmets...

Well, it's isn't helmets at all, it's rather heads , but you can wear them as helmets

Wolves Taming

Hello guys!

Watch our new video about Wolves and Taming and prepare yourself for new features and battles

Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE and like the video.

How to Dye Armor in v4.2

Hi guys!

Cauldron we have added in version 4.2 can be used not only to make your arrows tipped, but also to paint your armor!

Learn how to make your armor color in our new video:

We hope you like this new feature and our video.

4.2 iOS release! New features for Apple devices!

Hello everybody

Exciting news! Now v4.2 is available for iOS devices too!

How to Craft Tipped Arrows with Effects in v4.2!

Hey guys!

Now you can craft tipped arrows with different effects!

To do it, please follow these steps:

1. Craft Cauldron

2. Brew Potions

3. Pour potion into cauldron

4. Soak arrows in a potions


Below you can watch a tutorial video about How to Craft Tipped Arows with Effects:
