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POCAdmin's picture

Here is a place to leave your suggestions regarding new app - Planet of Cubes.


hunter2008's picture

I think this game cries for somebody who keeps the chat save. I saw a lot of people who were swearing to each other or to other people. So my suggestion is to make moderators or administrators who keep the game save.

If you do this i offer me first

POCAdmin's picture

Thank you for the reply!

Xan Acktor
Xan Acktor's picture

hunter2008 wrote:

I think this game cries for somebody who keeps the chat save. I saw a lot of people who were swearing to each other or to other people. So my suggestion is to make moderators or administrators who keep the game save.

If you do this i offer me first

POCAdmin's picture

"To the forum : please can you add animals like horses, unicorns, saddles, dogs, cats, and birds please thank you very much " by Minti Linki Judita


HAKUIN's picture

pocadmin,this would be cool! :-) but for now the new breeding and Taming of the current existing animals is awesome :-)

FlashManGio20XX's picture

i want animals

POCAdmin's picture

Hey! We are working on it! 

VirgoUnitis's picture

How about customizable skins? for the avatars?

POCAdmin's picture

We will add more skins to one of the next updates...

Cristina Camilon 2
Cristina Camilon 2's picture


Cristina Camilon 2
Cristina Camilon 2's picture


POCAdmin's picture

Hey! I think that this is very good suggestion. But we are going to add the possibility of renting chunks to the next update! We hope that this will help our players to protect their creations!

Cristina Camilon 2
Cristina Camilon 2's picture


Cristina Camilon 2
Cristina Camilon 2's picture

And removing ads

Cristina Camilon 2
Cristina Camilon 2's picture

Can sign added

POCAdmin's picture

Hey! Yes, but we can review this suggestion again after we release first version of Survival Multiplayer!

Cristina Camilon 2
Cristina Camilon 2's picture

thank you

Märshä Mëllo ϟ ツ
Märshä Mëllo ϟ ツ's picture

Cristina Camilon 2, they need to let us claim land with golden shovel like minecraft 

This is a repea...
This is a repeat telecast's picture

VirgoUnitis, This would be awesome. Making our own skins for our avatar would definitely be a cool addition, and make the game much more interesting. 

Cubemaster's picture

Hi everyone!

We just released Planet of Cubes v2.5 with Survival Multiplayer!

You can read about it and found download links in this thread.

So now we need your suggestion about this new mode.

What do you want to see in next versions?

zzMegaLucaszz's picture

can you add list of friends and ability to add a friends

and to teleport wto him? to play together and not cross all map laugh

POCAdmin's picture

Hey! Sure we are going to add this feature after we release Survival Multiplayer mode! Stay tuned!

Terrell Duncan
Terrell Duncan's picture

pocadmin wrote:

Hey! Sure we are going to add this feature after we release Survival Multiplayer mode! Stay tuned!

You say that, and yet it hasn't happened yet.

ツ xPrø ツ
ツ xPrø ツ's picture

Terrell Duncan, it has happened it takes some time for devs to add it so patience plz

Hyeenadon's picture

Hey um my facebook player had full dimond armor dimond sword and dimond pick I also had 4 bows it wont load all the way becuse you removed the bows. please bring bows back so I can play. I can do creative but not survival I can play survival as a guest but not on my facebook account. you don't have to add arrows just please bring the bow back. This is also effecting everone else who had a bow in THER inventory

Olga's picture

Hey Hyeenadon, we will release bows and arrows to the next update!

BlueTangsRock's picture

Sorry if this sounds weird,but I think in Survival Multiplayer,there should be female zombies along with the already existing male ones.right now to me,it makes no sense to have the baby zombies without BOTH genders!What is this mean?only guys became zombies,and the females died in a zombie apocalypse?Also why does the game classify ALL players as MALE even though there's Cleary female skins,and people playing this game?What I'm asking,is please add AT LEAST 1 female skins to zombies,and change the HE/HIS things it says in the game like the "select a player to teleport in HIS location",say THEIR instead! The game should have Gender Equality! Who's with me?!

ツ xPrø ツ
ツ xPrø ツ's picture

BlueTangsRock, yes gender equality is very important and i also agree

Helik's picture


Can we possibly have locked chests?

To keep chest locked, we would have to log in every day?

ツ xPrø ツ
ツ xPrø ツ's picture

Helik, i agree so much yesterday i played but someone raided me and when i loged off another person raided me but idk if he found out where my chest is.......

Helik's picture


For survival, can we have some cylindrical "cubes" so we can build towers etc although this probably goes against the cubes.

POCAdmin's picture

Hey! We have never thought yet about cylindrical cubes for these games...the idea is very interesting as for me :)

HAKUIN's picture

That would definitely be different cool! We are all just very excited for the next update I think!

POCAdmin's picture

Coming soon... wink

HAKUIN's picture

Hooray! Cheers loudly! :-)

PrestonLovesLava's picture

Helik,two blocks on top of each other make that they can't add that

Xan Acktor
Xan Acktor's picture

Work on adding a feature in World of Cubes, taming dogs and cats by giving the cat, for example: a fish, and giving dog a bone to tame them, and add a side feature too which is making a button where you can tell them to sit, and tell them to stand up again so they don't keep continues ly following you or get lost, I would be very honored if you are going to apply my suggestion, because I think it's the most important thing to have fun in World of Cubes, Thanks for your attention

POCAdmin's picture

Xan Acktor,thank you for the suggestions! We will think what we can do for you. 

HAKUIN's picture

pocadmin, I would like to be able to put a chicken egg in the oven and have it come out like a boiled egg maybe? Or something like that where you can cook an egg and eat it :-)

UnDeRbLuE's picture

digging while walking/moving would be nice to create an area to build , i'm like digging and then i release the digging then walking lil forward , i stop walking then i dig again , it's lil hard and tiring , pocadmin if you can make please dig while walk i'll be happy not only me many friends will be happy i think , thanks )

v7thSharkv's picture

UnDeRbLuE wrote: digging while walking/moving would be nice to create an area to build , i'm like digging and then i release the digging then walking lil forward , i stop walking then i dig again , it's lil hard and tiring , pocadmin if you can make please dig while walk i'll be happy not only me many friends will be happy i think , thanks )

I second this

-☬-TROLLJK-☬-'s picture

Maybe make some people from the form into a hacker patrol and set up bounties

POCAdmin's picture

Can you please describe this suggestion more?

xWx TROLLJK wrote:

Maybe make some people from the form into a hacker patrol and set up bounties

-☬-TROLLJK-☬-'s picture

pocadmin,so let's say someone enhances their characters without potions  then they are  a hacker.And if u set up bounties  let's say someone stole someone's else most valuable item then one person can set up the bounty ad someone could go kill the person the bounty is on

POCAdmin's picture

xWx TROLLJK, thank you, we will think about it!

HonoraryPresident 2.TDR's picture

pocadmin wrote:

xWx TROLLJK, thank you, we will think about it!

And we can ride a horses

Terrell Duncan
Terrell Duncan's picture


pocadmin,so let's say someone enhances their characters without potions  then they are  a hacker.And if u set up bounties  let's say someone stole someone's else most valuable item then one person can set up the bounty ad someone could go kill the person the bounty is on

Hackers also give themselves/others stuff. And they are a big threat because they can kill people inside spawn.

This is a repea...
This is a repeat telecast's picture

-ٹیکو-TROLLJK-ٹیکو-, this would be awesome, especially because so many people on online mode kill newbies to steal things from them. This could be an action one could take against in-game thieves for ruining the experience.

HonoraryPresident 2.TDR's picture

pocadmin wrote:

Can you please describe this suggestion more?

xWx TROLLJK wrote:

Maybe make some people from the form into a hacker patrol and set up bounties

Redstone items should be added

-LINK-'s picture

When is the next update? I want you to add signs to the update. 4 santas sake 
