I thought I would try again :)
I am an older member from the year 2012. I used to frequent Comfort City 2012-2015 (CC), Fun City 2016-2018 (FC), and Parkridge High School 2019-Present when they were famous. Old usernames I had were Purple Girl, PG, names from characters in Five Nights at Freddy, Cat, PhantomCat, and Coke. I remember role playing in Comfort City as Five Nights at Freddy’s characters back in Comfort City but I no longer do that. I am searching for old friends by the name of Gwen, Purple Guy, Dylan, Cold Knight and others that I quite don’t remember their names. I’ll be around to answer questions but if you would like to personally contact me, you may do so on my Discord at cokethedrink or on my Instagram at coke_the_drink. Thank you!
Old User from 2012
Tue, 2023-11-21 20:19
New Guy
Posts: 9
Joined: 31.12.2022