The people keeping the war alive
Waldmeister8 (
HeroSonic (
BlueTangs Rock3(
These people are the reason this war go's on
Ha all of u know it's true
TROLLJK, so sassy lately lol I love it :)
You are forgetting Bansheeplant and BlueTangs Rock and perhaps Alexandra
Bwahahahahaha! For once you are 100% right!
BansheePlant, Dr. Robotnik is Stupid, not smart
Smart Noob, Why should I care?
LastDeath, true.
LastDeath,Did i
LastDeath, Since, when was I a target...You will regret that you ever said this....what has happened to our friendship... Don't forget when everyone was doubting you, I was the only one who cared for you...How Dare You?....You went to was supposed to be temporary but looks like it turned into a permanent arrangement... You will realize that you just threw away the best person in PoC...I may act wild or weird in front of others but I will always be kind and you know it....You found yourself a target...Hope it was worth it...
This war is going to go on, because GHE is the source for hatred & dictatorship. If you give up, then you love POC too much that you let GHE become the mascot of POC.
HeroSonic,This war is going in because people like you are full of unneeded hate for GHE
TROLLJK, Hate for evil is not unneeded.
BansheePlant,Hate is not needed in this world those who hate are as you say evil
Then why is GHE being so hateful?
BansheePlant,Those members haunt got the memo yet
TROLLJK, Which include you, Kian, and Batuhan
BansheePlant,Uh I don hate I KILL
You don't kill without hating, genius.
BansheePlant,So you have never killed a noob before so u don't hate noobs
TROLLJK, Nope! I don't kill the noobs, I defend them and give them items when I can.
TROLLJK, GHE has uneeded hate for years, this war is fueled by GHE. Even if I go, there's going to be more people fighting GHE.
HeroSonic, GHE's losing anyway either by force or time, and they still won't get what they want. People are hard, GHE is bad, I don't see a good ending for GHE.
HeroSonic, This is reality, its not going to end the way GHE wants. GHE is too selfish with its dreams, and people will refuse to let them grow. Most likely, they're going to give up GHE after they have enough.
HeroSonic,If people refused to let us grow then why are we so powerful
He said people will refuse to let them grow, not that people have already refused to. You are not nearly as powerful as you would like us to think. GHE is a wooden fence pretending to be a brick wall.
BansheePlant,Yet a wood fence can last longer then a brick wall
TROLLJK, just coincidence.
HeroSonic,No it's not
TROLLJK, so everyone had a german war strategist in their clan?
HeroSonic,Nope they are just stupid to fight a war they can't win
HeroSonic,This war is fuelled by hate from people like you over half of us are peaceful until someone messes with someone else in our clan
TROLLJK, if you guys are so peaceful then that would mean you all stopped harassing others.
HeroSonic,Yea and sit there and take a beating no one is that stupid
Ha, that's rich... If I remembered correctly, the noobs are not going on GHE killing sprees, it's the other way around. GHE is the party trying to kill all other clans, not to mention the innocent new players.
BansheePlant,We don't attack noobs unless they attack us(Not responsible for lemon)
TROLLJK, Bull crap! You all do it. I know it.
BansheePlant,I have strict hit when hit policy And that is a fair strategy
TROLLJK, are you sure? That's what people wanted GHE to do.
HeroSonic,Its stupid only the weak would do that
TROLLJK, Check Kik
TROLLJK, is this what they're telling you?
why so serious about putting ghe down ? this is only a game
Dude, you don't understand... They are Nazis, and they are trying to destroy Solverlabs.
BansheePlant, blah blah blah blah
Smart Noob, nya nya nya nya
BansheePlant, Your annoying to Dragon and Ghe Clan
Smart Noob, I'm glad to be annoying to GHE, but what exactly did I do to Dragon clan?
BansheePlant, Yep.
BlueTangs Rock3, Noob like the Red Tang