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Phøenix's picture

So after Ford said he was quitting I left apsl and after I did mal changed the rules so it required discord after I found out Ford was staying I tried to go back but I couldn't and then funny thing happened my old clan mates trapped and killed me I thought after everything I did for apsl fighting wars for no reason dying trying to save clan members bases that they would have the decency to be loyal to a old member but no they trapped and killed me so guess what apsl you just got a new enemy nobody messes with the Phoenix/ elf queen so you'd better watch your back now and if anyone is interested in helping me take down apsl I would love the help. You messed with the wrong person APSL ;). And here's a screenshot of who trapped me.


FORD's picture

Your in different clan, sides why should I give warning, I have them trap all the time...

Phøenix's picture

FORD, I was clanless I just joined a friend's clan to help out his ranking in the leader board

FORD's picture

Look here u also helped pingu Carole and piggy after they Trapped me, YOU WERE ALSO IN APSL,  what goes around comes around
Also this what clan ur in rn a enemy clan

Phøenix's picture

FORD, for starters I'm in this clan for idk what reason I was clanless and some random friend in my list invited me to a clan

FORD's picture

And discord has been required

idk's picture

Girl you aren’t even in apsl. Look at what clan you’re in. So how is trapping someone who is not in apsl being “disloyal?” Please, explain. Also, they already said they didn’t know it was you. You have any idea how many people use generic game names like phoenix? And other myth related names/terms? Pretty common. You’re not famous. Don’t expect everyone to know who you are. Half the time I don’t even know who my friends are bc they change their name all the time. Then there’s people like you, who barely ever talk to me anymore. And I, or more importantly, people who aren’t even your friend, are supposed to know who you are/remember you? This is a really childish post. People get trapped all the time. I get trapped by ghe. You see me getting mad at my friends in ghe? You see me getting mad at patriot when all those tce attacked us? It’s a game. apsl is loyal to its members. We help each other, we supply each other and we trust each other. So again, please explain this act of “disloyalty” that appears to have taken place over a silly mistake, more importantly, a silly mistake in bootleg mc 

Phøenix's picture

idk, and I may not be legendary I don't claim to be but If you really think about it I technically am I've played for at least 5 years back to when there were 4 portals and when people were nice when there were no enchantments the armor looked different and there were teleporting scrolls as for apsl your always looking for war and when some finally tries to give you one you don't want it make up your mind

idk's picture

Also, I did not change the rules. Discord has always been required you just never read the clan description. If you did, you’d know that the description during my term as leader was the original description Ford wrote himself. Same rules and requirements. The only thing I changed was the length of the description and I replaced Fords discord tag with my own. Gather your facts before you make yourself look silly. 

Phøenix's picture

idk, I always read the clan description and it never said anything about discord

idk's picture

then you’ve never once read it, because ever since we created our server in fall of 2021, before you joined, discord has been a requirement. And you can ask any apsl. Because they’ve read the description and given their names to be added to our server. The description has never changed. Other than fords discord name to mine. 

idk's picture

And the whole “fight for clan members bases” is a load of cap. Because the only one in apsl with a base is me and Michael. Nobody ever helped Michael defend his because it was raided by TCE and a few WCCS who came across it when everyone was gone. And as for my base, the only people who “defended” it was karma, brad, fennec, bryan, and Give Me TNT. 

Pingu's picture

idk wrote:
And as for my base, the only people who “defended” it was karma, brad, fennec, bryan, and Give Me TNT. 

FORD's picture

Sides Brad, fen, and Bryan been in apsl when it came back they haven't left u left how many times 4-3 times

Phøenix's picture

FORD, and I only left cause I was sick and tired of dying in every war cause you wanted a war with someone every week

FORD's picture

Phøenix wrote:
FORD, and I only left cause I was sick and tired of dying in every war cause you wanted a war with someone every week

Were in that screenshot says u left cuz u were sick

Phøenix's picture

FORD, I didn't say I was sick

idk's picture

also cap. We didn’t do war every week. All the wars we have done, except with rpt was recorded. There are not that many. And if you’re mad about “dying” in every one of them, then you must not be that good. Because a lot of those wars had people who couldn’t fight or too afraid to show. Only real challenge was the final war with TLL 

Phøenix's picture

idk, I died to people like pingu and Jose I may not have died every time but I still had to repair my armor which costs at least 900 coins each time probably 1000

idk's picture

If anything, you’re the disloyal one just looking for something to be salty about 

Phøenix's picture

idk, I am far from disloyal if I was disloyal you would know it mal if that's who you are I gave you my village

FORD's picture

Phøenix wrote:
idk, I am far from disloyal if I was disloyal you would know it mal if that's who you are I gave you my village

Why are you lying You weren't loyal after every war u lefted

Phøenix's picture

FORD, yea yet you let me back why is that? So what if I don't know my place anymore I'm not used to being on my own now that I'm not in a certain clan I don't know what I belong in cause every clan I join they betray me

FORD's picture

Phøenix, here's the rules 

Phøenix's picture

FORD, well that's not what they were before and that's not what anybody told me

Phøenix's picture

FORD, and I left cause I was out of ip my armor was breaking I needed a break I can't keep fixing my armor every week

idk's picture

thats on you. We didn’t do that many wars or roams as a clan. If you’re wasting that much ip and your armor breaks that much, it’s your own doing. 

idk's picture

and yet you’re over here lying about me. I never cancelled you. I’ve never hurt you. I’ve never betrayed you. And to this day, I’ve kept that village as safe and put together as possible. And if I had been online, which you lied about, I would have stopped them. Because I do not and NEVER WILL trap my friends. And if you can’t believe that go have a talk with karma. He hated my guts for months. I never tried to trap him. I never raided his base when I knew where it was. 
you’re mad over a silly trap tbat we didn’t have any control over. So you lie and say you told me about it and that I “cancelled” you when one, you cancelled me months ago. And two, I haven’t been on for two days. And ford can log on and screenshot my game time and prove it. You lied about me. And you’re trying yo talk to me about the “person I am?” All you’ve done is lie in this post. 
And to think how many times I stood up for you. And how much I really liked you. And the day I realized you cancelled me, I was hurt because I thought we were friends. I liked you. But now I know who you are.
so if you wanna stay on here and b*tch about apsl, fine. You do you. I don’t know what you think you’re gonna gain from it. All I can say, is it was nice knowing you and maybe one day, I hope, you’ll look back on this and feel a sense of relief that you’ve moved on from this stage and have a life. Kinda sucks to think this is who you are. And I don’t care what you think of this clan or what you think of ford, I don’t even care what you think of me. 
Just remember. You’re the one who cancelled and lied about me. Not the other way around. And I’ll continue to take care of that village and maybe one day we’ll be friends again. But rn, I know who you are. And it’s sad you chose to be this person over bootleg mc.

Phøenix's picture

idk, I'm sick and tired of old clan members and leaders trapping me and apsl just put it over the top cause every clan I've been in someone has either tried to kill me or has raided me

Leaderruca's picture

Phøenix,If all the clans you join try to kill you there is a clan with teamwork the name is RGSF Clan Of Dread Phoenix join this one and from a friend call stormcloud0000 send a request and we accept you there so you don't have to worry about people killing you or cheating if you win storm's trust you can even go to their base

FORD's picture


FORD's picture


FORD's picture


FORD's picture


FORD's picture


FORD's picture


FORD's picture


idk's picture

Oh wow? I cancelled you? That’s really funny since you haven’t been my friend for a good three months. Idk how you cancel someone who canceled you long ago. I also didn’t hear it from you, Brad texted me about the trap. Yea, Ford can actually screenshot my time on. I haven’t been on for two days. Try again 

FORD's picture


FORD's picture


FORD's picture


FORD's picture


Phøenix's picture

FORD, and what exactly is that supposed to prove? That I left apsl cause my leader wouldn't be there and I didn't want a different leader?

FORD's picture

Phøenix, you reap as you sou

Leaderruca's picture

FORD,You're a noob and I didn't even think you knew how to make traps you're such a noob

FORD's picture

Leaderruca, you don't even play multiplayer

Leaderruca's picture

FORD,yes game, I you are very noob I'll show you why

Leaderruca's picture

Phøenix,I thought ford was your friend

Phøenix's picture

Leaderruca, he was until a few hours ago

☞☂︎ røõÿçęfō⍰úñd ☂︎☞
☞☂︎ røõÿçęfō⍰úñd ☂︎☞'s picture

Phøenix,yes i wont join a alliance or clan if i were you. bigcatclan carole baskin and i are both solo and we are all doing very good. i dont need to care about conflicts, all i need to do is to mine in the diamond cave and i mine around 25 diamond blocks a day which is a decent amount

Leaderruca's picture
